path: root/node_modules/fast-glob/README.md
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+# :rocket: fast-glob
+> Is a faster [`node-glob`](https://github.com/isaacs/node-glob) alternative.
+## :bulb: Highlights
+ * :rocket: Fast by using Streams and Promises. Used [readdir-enhanced](https://github.com/BigstickCarpet/readdir-enhanced) and [micromatch](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/micromatch).
+ * :beginner: User-friendly, since it supports multiple and negated patterns (`['*', '!*.md']`).
+ * :vertical_traffic_light: Rational, because it doesn't read excluded directories (`!**/node_modules/**`).
+ * :gear: Universal, because it supports Synchronous, Promise and Stream API.
+ * :money_with_wings: Economy, because it provides `fs.Stats` for matched path if you wanted.
+## Donate
+If you want to thank me, or promote your Issue.
+> Sorry, but I have work and support for packages requires some time after work. I will be glad of your support and PR's.
+## Install
+$ npm install --save fast-glob
+## Usage
+#### Asynchronous
+const fg = require('fast-glob');
+fg(['src/**/*.js', '!src/**/*.spec.js']).then((entries) => console.log(entries));
+fg.async(['src/**/*.js', '!src/**/*.spec.js']).then((entries) => console.log(entries));
+#### Synchronous
+const fg = require('fast-glob');
+const entries = fg.sync(['src/**/*.js', '!src/**/*.spec.js']);
+#### Stream
+const fg = require('fast-glob');
+const stream = fg.stream(['src/**/*.js', '!src/**/*.spec.js']);
+const entries = [];
+stream.on('data', (entry) => entries.push(entry));
+stream.once('error', console.log);
+stream.once('end', () => console.log(entries));
+## API
+### fg(patterns, [options])
+### fg.async(patterns, [options])
+Returns a `Promise<Array>` of matching entries.
+#### patterns
+ * Type: `string|string[]`
+This package does not respect the order of patterns. First, all the negative patterns are applied, and only then the positive patterns.
+#### options
+ * Type: `Object`
+See [options](#options-1) section for more detailed information.
+### fg.sync(patterns, [options])
+Returns a `Array` of matching entries.
+### fg.stream(patterns, [options])
+Returns a [`ReadableStream`](https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_readable_streams).
+### fg.generateTasks(patterns, [options])
+Return a set of tasks based on provided patterns. All tasks satisfy the `Task` interface:
+interface Task {
+ /**
+ * Parent directory for all patterns inside this task.
+ */
+ base: string;
+ /**
+ * Dynamic or static patterns are in this task.
+ */
+ dynamic: boolean;
+ /**
+ * All patterns.
+ */
+ patterns: string[];
+ /**
+ * Only positive patterns.
+ */
+ positive: string[];
+ /**
+ * Only negative patterns without ! symbol.
+ */
+ negative: string[];
+## Options
+#### cwd
+ * Type: `string`
+ * Default: `process.cwd()`
+The current working directory in which to search.
+#### deep
+ * Type: `number|boolean`
+ * Default: `true`
+The deep option can be set to `true` to traverse the entire directory structure, or it can be set to a *number* to only traverse that many levels deep.
+For example, you have the following tree:
+└── one
+ └── two
+ └── index.js
+> :book: If you specify a pattern with some base directory, this directory will not participate in the calculation of the depth of the found directories. Think of it as a `cwd` option.
+fg('test/**', { onlyFiles: false, deep: 0 });
+// -> ['test/one']
+fg('test/**', { onlyFiles: false, deep: 1 });
+// -> ['test/one', 'test/one/two']
+fg('**', { onlyFiles: false, cwd: 'test', deep: 0 });
+// -> ['one']
+fg('**', { onlyFiles: false, cwd: 'test', deep: 1 });
+// -> ['one', 'one/two']
+#### ignore
+ * Type: `string[]`
+ * Default: `[]`
+An array of glob patterns to exclude matches.
+#### dot
+ * Type: `boolean`
+ * Default: `false`
+Allow patterns to match filenames starting with a period (files & directories), even if the pattern does not explicitly have a period in that spot.
+#### stats
+ * Type: `number|boolean`
+ * Default: `false`
+Return `fs.Stats` with `path` property instead of file path.
+#### onlyFiles
+ * Type: `boolean`
+ * Default: `true`
+Return only files.
+#### onlyDirectories
+ * Type: `boolean`
+ * Default: `false`
+Return only directories.
+#### followSymlinkedDirectories
+ * Type: `boolean`
+ * Default: `true`
+Follow symlinked directories when expanding `**` patterns.
+#### unique
+ * Type: `boolean`
+ * Default: `true`
+Prevent duplicate results.
+#### markDirectories
+ * Type: `boolean`
+ * Default: `false`
+Add a `/` character to directory entries.
+#### absolute
+ * Type: `boolean`
+ * Default: `false`
+Return absolute paths for matched entries.
+> :book: Note that you need to use this option if you want to use absolute negative patterns like `${__dirname}/*.md`.
+#### nobrace
+ * Type: `boolean`
+ * Default: `false`
+Disable expansion of brace patterns (`{a,b}`, `{1..3}`).
+#### brace
+ * Type: `boolean`
+ * Default: `true`
+The [`nobrace`](#nobrace) option without double-negation. This option has a higher priority then `nobrace`.
+#### noglobstar
+ * Type: `boolean`
+ * Default: `false`
+Disable matching with globstars (`**`).
+#### globstar
+ * Type: `boolean`
+ * Default: `true`
+The [`noglobstar`](#noglobstar) option without double-negation. This option has a higher priority then `noglobstar`.
+#### noext
+ * Type: `boolean`
+ * Default: `false`
+Disable extglob support (patterns like `+(a|b)`), so that extglobs are regarded as literal characters.
+#### extension
+ * Type: `boolean`
+ * Default: `true`
+The [`noext`](#noext) option without double-negation. This option has a higher priority then `noext`.
+#### nocase
+ * Type: `boolean`
+ * Default: `false`
+Disable a case-insensitive regex for matching files.
+#### case
+ * Type: `boolean`
+ * Default: `true`
+The [`nocase`](#nocase) option without double-negation. This option has a higher priority then `nocase`.
+#### matchBase
+ * Type: `boolean`
+ * Default: `false`
+Allow glob patterns without slashes to match a file path based on its basename. For example, `a?b` would match the path `/xyz/123/acb`, but not `/xyz/acb/123`.
+#### transform
+ * Type: `Function`
+ * Default: `null`
+Allows you to transform a path or `fs.Stats` object before sending to the array.
+const fg = require('fast-glob');
+const entries1 = fg.sync(['**/*.scss']);
+const entries2 = fg.sync(['**/*.scss'], { transform: (entry) => '_' + entry });
+console.log(entries1); // ['a.scss', 'b.scss']
+console.log(entries2); // ['_a.scss', '_b.scss']
+If you are using **TypeScript**, you probably want to specify your own type of the returned array.
+import * as fg from 'fast-glob';
+interface IMyOwnEntry {
+ path: string;
+const entries: IMyOwnEntry[] = fg.sync<IMyOwnEntry>(['*.md'], {
+ transform: (entry) => typeof entry === 'string' ? { path: entry } : { path: entry.path }
+ // Will throw compilation error for non-IMyOwnEntry types (boolean, for example)
+## How to exclude directory from reading?
+You can use a negative pattern like this: `!**/node_modules` or `!**/node_modules/**`. Also you can use `ignore` option. Just look at the example below.
+├── file.md
+└── second
+ └── file.txt
+If you don't want to read the `second` directory, you must write the following pattern: `!**/second` or `!**/second/**`.
+fg.sync(['**/*.md', '!**/second']); // ['first/file.txt']
+fg.sync(['**/*.md'], { ignore: '**/second/**' }); // ['first/file.txt']
+> :warning: When you write `!**/second/**/*` it means that the directory will be **read**, but all the entries will not be included in the results.
+You have to understand that if you write the pattern to exclude directories, then the directory will not be read under any circumstances.
+## Compatible with `node-glob`?
+Not fully, because `fast-glob` does not implement all options of `node-glob`. See table below.
+| node-glob | fast-glob |
+| :----------: | :-------: |
+| `cwd` | [`cwd`](#cwd) |
+| `root` | – |
+| `dot` | [`dot`](#dot) |
+| `nomount` | – |
+| `mark` | [`markDirectories`](#markdirectories) |
+| `nosort` | – |
+| `nounique` | [`unique`](#unique) |
+| `nobrace` | [`nobrace`](#nobrace) or [`brace`](#brace) |
+| `noglobstar` | [`noglobstar`](#noglobstar) or [`globstar`](#globstar) |
+| `noext` | [`noext`](#noext) or [`extension`](#extension) |
+| `nocase` | [`nocase`](#nocase) or [`case`](#case) |
+| `matchBase` | [`matchbase`](#matchbase) |
+| `nodir` | [`onlyFiles`](#onlyfiles) |
+| `ignore` | [`ignore`](#ignore) |
+| `follow` | [`followSymlinkedDirectories`](#followsymlinkeddirectories) |
+| `realpath` | – |
+| `absolute` | [`absolute`](#absolute) |
+## Benchmarks
+**Tech specs:**
+Server: [Vultr Bare Metal](https://www.vultr.com/pricing/baremetal)
+ * Processor: E3-1270v6 (8 CPU)
+ * RAM: 32GB
+ * Disk: SSD
+You can see results [here](https://gist.github.com/mrmlnc/f06246b197f53c356895fa35355a367c) for latest release.
+## Related
+ * [readdir-enhanced](https://github.com/BigstickCarpet/readdir-enhanced) – Fast functional replacement for `fs.readdir()`.
+ * [globby](https://github.com/sindresorhus/globby) – User-friendly glob matching.
+ * [node-glob](https://github.com/isaacs/node-glob) – «Standard» glob functionality for Node.js
+ * [bash-glob](https://github.com/micromatch/bash-glob) – Bash-powered globbing for node.js.
+ * [glob-stream](https://github.com/gulpjs/glob-stream) – A Readable Stream interface over node-glob that used in the [gulpjs](https://github.com/gulpjs/gulp).
+ * [tiny-glob](https://github.com/terkelg/tiny-glob) – Tiny and extremely fast library to match files and folders using glob patterns.
+## Changelog
+See the [Releases section of our GitHub project](https://github.com/mrmlnc/fast-glob/releases) for changelogs for each release version.
+## License
+This software is released under the terms of the MIT license.