path: root/node_modules/postcss/README.md
diff options
authorDimitri Staessens <dimitri@ouroboros.rocks>2019-10-06 21:37:45 +0200
committerDimitri Staessens <dimitri@ouroboros.rocks>2019-10-06 21:37:45 +0200
commit3c51c3be85bb0d1bdb87ea0d6632f1c256912f27 (patch)
treec7ccc8279b12c4f7bdbbb4270d617e48f51722e4 /node_modules/postcss/README.md
parent412c104bebc507bea9c94fd53b5bdc4b64cbfe31 (diff)
build: Add some required modules for node
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+# PostCSS [![Gitter][chat-img]][chat]
+<img align="right" width="95" height="95"
+ alt="Philosopher’s stone, logo of PostCSS"
+ src="http://postcss.github.io/postcss/logo.svg">
+[chat-img]: https://img.shields.io/badge/Gitter-Join_the_PostCSS_chat-brightgreen.svg
+[chat]: https://gitter.im/postcss/postcss
+PostCSS is a tool for transforming styles with JS plugins.
+These plugins can lint your CSS, support variables and mixins,
+transpile future CSS syntax, inline images, and more.
+PostCSS is used by industry leaders including Wikipedia, Twitter, Alibaba,
+and JetBrains. The [Autoprefixer] PostCSS plugin is one of the most popular
+CSS processors.
+PostCSS takes a CSS file and provides an API to analyze and modify its rules
+(by transforming them into an [Abstract Syntax Tree]).
+This API can then be used by [plugins] to do a lot of useful things,
+e.g. to find errors automatically insert vendor prefixes.
+**Support / Discussion:** [Gitter](https://gitter.im/postcss/postcss)<br>
+**Twitter account:** [@postcss](https://twitter.com/postcss)<br>
+**VK.com page:** [postcss](https://vk.com/postcss)<br>
+**中文翻译**: [`README-cn.md`](./README-cn.md)
+For PostCSS commercial support (consulting, improving the front-end culture
+of your company, PostCSS plugins), contact [Evil Martians](https://evilmartians.com/?utm_source=postcss)
+at <surrender@evilmartians.com>.
+[Abstract Syntax Tree]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_syntax_tree
+[Autoprefixer]: https://github.com/postcss/autoprefixer
+[plugins]: https://github.com/postcss/postcss#plugins
+<a href="https://evilmartians.com/?utm_source=postcss">
+ <img src="https://evilmartians.com/badges/sponsored-by-evil-martians.svg"
+ alt="Sponsored by Evil Martians" width="236" height="54">
+## Plugins
+Currently, PostCSS has more than 200 plugins. You can find all of the plugins
+in the [plugins list] or in the [searchable catalog]. Below is a list
+of our favorite plugins — the best demonstrations of what can be built
+on top of PostCSS.
+If you have any new ideas, [PostCSS plugin development] is really easy.
+[searchable catalog]: http://postcss.parts
+[plugins list]: https://github.com/postcss/postcss/blob/master/docs/plugins.md
+### Solve Global CSS Problem
+* [`postcss-use`] allows you to explicitly set PostCSS plugins within CSS
+ and execute them only for the current file.
+* [`postcss-modules`] and [`react-css-modules`] automatically isolate
+ selectors within components.
+* [`postcss-autoreset`] is an alternative to using a global reset
+ that is better for isolatable components.
+* [`postcss-initial`] adds `all: initial` support, which resets
+ all inherited styles.
+* [`cq-prolyfill`] adds container query support, allowing styles that respond
+ to the width of the parent.
+### Use Future CSS, Today
+* [`autoprefixer`] adds vendor prefixes, using data from Can I Use.
+* [`postcss-preset-env`] allows you to use future CSS features today.
+### Better CSS Readability
+* [`precss`] contains plugins for Sass-like features, like variables, nesting,
+ and mixins.
+* [`postcss-sorting`] sorts the content of rules and at-rules.
+* [`postcss-utilities`] includes the most commonly used shortcuts and helpers.
+* [`short`] adds and extends numerous shorthand properties.
+### Images and Fonts
+* [`postcss-assets`] inserts image dimensions and inlines files.
+* [`postcss-sprites`] generates image sprites.
+* [`font-magician`] generates all the `@font-face` rules needed in CSS.
+* [`postcss-inline-svg`] allows you to inline SVG and customize its styles.
+* [`postcss-write-svg`] allows you to write simple SVG directly in your CSS.
+### Linters
+* [`stylelint`] is a modular stylesheet linter.
+* [`stylefmt`] is a tool that automatically formats CSS
+ according `stylelint` rules.
+* [`doiuse`] lints CSS for browser support, using data from Can I Use.
+* [`colorguard`] helps you maintain a consistent color palette.
+### Other
+* [`postcss-rtl`] combines both-directional (left-to-right and right-to-left) styles in one CSS file.
+* [`cssnano`] is a modular CSS minifier.
+* [`lost`] is a feature-rich `calc()` grid system.
+* [`rtlcss`] mirrors styles for right-to-left locales.
+[PostCSS plugin development]: https://github.com/postcss/postcss/blob/master/docs/writing-a-plugin.md
+[`postcss-inline-svg`]: https://github.com/TrySound/postcss-inline-svg
+[`postcss-preset-env`]: https://github.com/jonathantneal/postcss-preset-env
+[`react-css-modules`]: https://github.com/gajus/react-css-modules
+[`postcss-autoreset`]: https://github.com/maximkoretskiy/postcss-autoreset
+[`postcss-write-svg`]: https://github.com/jonathantneal/postcss-write-svg
+[`postcss-utilities`]: https://github.com/ismamz/postcss-utilities
+[`postcss-initial`]: https://github.com/maximkoretskiy/postcss-initial
+[`postcss-sprites`]: https://github.com/2createStudio/postcss-sprites
+[`postcss-modules`]: https://github.com/outpunk/postcss-modules
+[`postcss-sorting`]: https://github.com/hudochenkov/postcss-sorting
+[`postcss-assets`]: https://github.com/assetsjs/postcss-assets
+[`font-magician`]: https://github.com/jonathantneal/postcss-font-magician
+[`autoprefixer`]: https://github.com/postcss/autoprefixer
+[`cq-prolyfill`]: https://github.com/ausi/cq-prolyfill
+[`postcss-rtl`]: https://github.com/vkalinichev/postcss-rtl
+[`postcss-use`]: https://github.com/postcss/postcss-use
+[`css-modules`]: https://github.com/css-modules/css-modules
+[`colorguard`]: https://github.com/SlexAxton/css-colorguard
+[`stylelint`]: https://github.com/stylelint/stylelint
+[`stylefmt`]: https://github.com/morishitter/stylefmt
+[`cssnano`]: http://cssnano.co
+[`precss`]: https://github.com/jonathantneal/precss
+[`doiuse`]: https://github.com/anandthakker/doiuse
+[`rtlcss`]: https://github.com/MohammadYounes/rtlcss
+[`short`]: https://github.com/jonathantneal/postcss-short
+[`lost`]: https://github.com/peterramsing/lost
+## Syntaxes
+PostCSS can transform styles in any syntax, not just CSS.
+If there is not yet support for your favorite syntax,
+you can write a parser and/or stringifier to extend PostCSS.
+* [`sugarss`] is a indent-based syntax like Sass or Stylus.
+* [`postcss-syntax`] switch syntax automatically by file extensions.
+* [`postcss-html`] parsing styles in `<style>` tags of HTML-like files.
+* [`postcss-markdown`] parsing styles in code blocks of Markdown files.
+* [`postcss-jsx`] parsing CSS in template / object literals of source files.
+* [`postcss-styled`] parsing CSS in template literals of source files.
+* [`postcss-scss`] allows you to work with SCSS
+ *(but does not compile SCSS to CSS)*.
+* [`postcss-sass`] allows you to work with Sass
+ *(but does not compile Sass to CSS)*.
+* [`postcss-less`] allows you to work with Less
+ *(but does not compile LESS to CSS)*.
+* [`postcss-less-engine`] allows you to work with Less
+ *(and DOES compile LESS to CSS using true Less.js evaluation)*.
+* [`postcss-js`] allows you to write styles in JS or transform
+ React Inline Styles, Radium or JSS.
+* [`postcss-safe-parser`] finds and fixes CSS syntax errors.
+* [`midas`] converts a CSS string to highlighted HTML.
+[`postcss-less-engine`]: https://github.com/Crunch/postcss-less
+[`postcss-safe-parser`]: https://github.com/postcss/postcss-safe-parser
+[`postcss-syntax`]: https://github.com/gucong3000/postcss-syntax
+[`postcss-html`]: https://github.com/gucong3000/postcss-html
+[`postcss-markdown`]: https://github.com/gucong3000/postcss-markdown
+[`postcss-jsx`]: https://github.com/gucong3000/postcss-jsx
+[`postcss-styled`]: https://github.com/gucong3000/postcss-styled
+[`postcss-scss`]: https://github.com/postcss/postcss-scss
+[`postcss-sass`]: https://github.com/AleshaOleg/postcss-sass
+[`postcss-less`]: https://github.com/webschik/postcss-less
+[`postcss-js`]: https://github.com/postcss/postcss-js
+[`sugarss`]: https://github.com/postcss/sugarss
+[`midas`]: https://github.com/ben-eb/midas
+## Articles
+* [Some things you may think about PostCSS… and you might be wrong](http://julian.io/some-things-you-may-think-about-postcss-and-you-might-be-wrong)
+* [What PostCSS Really Is; What It Really Does](http://davidtheclark.com/its-time-for-everyone-to-learn-about-postcss)
+* [PostCSS Guides](http://webdesign.tutsplus.com/series/postcss-deep-dive--cms-889)
+More articles and videos you can find on [awesome-postcss](https://github.com/jjaderg/awesome-postcss) list.
+## Books
+* [Mastering PostCSS for Web Design](https://www.packtpub.com/web-development/mastering-postcss-web-design) by Alex Libby, Packt. (June 2016)
+## Usage
+You can start using PostCSS in just two steps:
+1. Find and add PostCSS extensions for your build tool.
+2. [Select plugins] and add them to your PostCSS process.
+[Select plugins]: http://postcss.parts
+### Webpack
+Use [`postcss-loader`] in `webpack.config.js`:
+module.exports = {
+ module: {
+ rules: [
+ {
+ test: /\.css$/,
+ exclude: /node_modules/,
+ use: [
+ {
+ loader: 'style-loader',
+ },
+ {
+ loader: 'css-loader',
+ options: {
+ importLoaders: 1,
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ loader: 'postcss-loader'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+Then create `postcss.config.js`:
+module.exports = {
+ plugins: [
+ require('precss'),
+ require('autoprefixer')
+ ]
+[`postcss-loader`]: https://github.com/postcss/postcss-loader
+### Gulp
+Use [`gulp-postcss`] and [`gulp-sourcemaps`].
+gulp.task('css', function () {
+ var postcss = require('gulp-postcss');
+ var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');
+ return gulp.src('src/**/*.css')
+ .pipe( sourcemaps.init() )
+ .pipe( postcss([ require('precss'), require('autoprefixer') ]) )
+ .pipe( sourcemaps.write('.') )
+ .pipe( gulp.dest('build/') );
+[`gulp-sourcemaps`]: https://github.com/floridoo/gulp-sourcemaps
+[`gulp-postcss`]: https://github.com/postcss/gulp-postcss
+### npm run / CLI
+To use PostCSS from your command-line interface or with npm scripts
+there is [`postcss-cli`].
+postcss --use autoprefixer -c options.json -o main.css css/*.css
+[`postcss-cli`]: https://github.com/postcss/postcss-cli
+### Browser
+If you want to compile CSS string in browser (for instance, in live edit
+tools like CodePen), just use [Browserify] or [webpack]. They will pack
+PostCSS and plugins files into a single file.
+To apply PostCSS plugins to React Inline Styles, JSS, Radium
+and other [CSS-in-JS], you can use [`postcss-js`] and transforms style objects.
+var postcss = require('postcss-js');
+var prefixer = postcss.sync([ require('autoprefixer') ]);
+prefixer({ display: 'flex' }); //=> { display: ['-webkit-box', '-webkit-flex', '-ms-flexbox', 'flex'] }
+[`postcss-js`]: https://github.com/postcss/postcss-js
+[Browserify]: http://browserify.org/
+[CSS-in-JS]: https://github.com/MicheleBertoli/css-in-js
+[webpack]: https://webpack.github.io/
+### Runners
+* **Grunt**: [`grunt-postcss`](https://github.com/nDmitry/grunt-postcss)
+* **HTML**: [`posthtml-postcss`](https://github.com/posthtml/posthtml-postcss)
+* **Stylus**: [`poststylus`](https://github.com/seaneking/poststylus)
+* **Rollup**: [`rollup-plugin-postcss`](https://github.com/egoist/rollup-plugin-postcss)
+* **Brunch**: [`postcss-brunch`](https://github.com/brunch/postcss-brunch)
+* **Broccoli**: [`broccoli-postcss`](https://github.com/jeffjewiss/broccoli-postcss)
+* **Meteor**: [`postcss`](https://atmospherejs.com/juliancwirko/postcss)
+* **ENB**: [`enb-postcss`](https://github.com/awinogradov/enb-postcss)
+* **Taskr**: [`taskr-postcss`](https://github.com/lukeed/taskr/tree/master/packages/postcss)
+* **Start**: [`start-postcss`](https://github.com/start-runner/postcss)
+* **Connect/Express**: [`postcss-middleware`](https://github.com/jedmao/postcss-middleware)
+### JS API
+For other environments, you can use the JS API:
+const fs = require('fs');
+const postcss = require('postcss');
+const precss = require('precss');
+const autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer');
+fs.readFile('src/app.css', (err, css) => {
+ postcss([precss, autoprefixer])
+ .process(css, { from: 'src/app.css', to: 'dest/app.css' })
+ .then(result => {
+ fs.writeFile('dest/app.css', result.css, () => true);
+ if ( result.map ) {
+ fs.writeFile('dest/app.css.map', result.map, () => true);
+ }
+ });
+Read the [PostCSS API documentation] for more details about the JS API.
+All PostCSS runners should pass [PostCSS Runner Guidelines].
+[PostCSS Runner Guidelines]: https://github.com/postcss/postcss/blob/master/docs/guidelines/runner.md
+[PostCSS API documentation]: http://api.postcss.org/postcss.html
+### Options
+Most PostCSS runners accept two parameters:
+* An array of plugins.
+* An object of options.
+Common options:
+* `syntax`: an object providing a syntax parser and a stringifier.
+* `parser`: a special syntax parser (for example, [SCSS]).
+* `stringifier`: a special syntax output generator (for example, [Midas]).
+* `map`: [source map options].
+* `from`: the input file name (most runners set it automatically).
+* `to`: the output file name (most runners set it automatically).
+[source map options]: https://github.com/postcss/postcss/blob/master/docs/source-maps.md
+[Midas]: https://github.com/ben-eb/midas
+[SCSS]: https://github.com/postcss/postcss-scss
+## Editors & IDE Integration
+### Atom
+* [`language-postcss`] adds PostCSS and [SugarSS] highlight.
+* [`source-preview-postcss`] previews your output CSS in a separate, live pane.
+[SugarSS]: https://github.com/postcss/sugarss
+### Sublime Text
+* [`Syntax-highlighting-for-PostCSS`] adds PostCSS highlight.
+[`Syntax-highlighting-for-PostCSS`]: https://github.com/hudochenkov/Syntax-highlighting-for-PostCSS
+[`source-preview-postcss`]: https://atom.io/packages/source-preview-postcss
+[`language-postcss`]: https://atom.io/packages/language-postcss
+### Vim
+* [`postcss.vim`] adds PostCSS highlight.
+[`postcss.vim`]: https://github.com/stephenway/postcss.vim
+### WebStorm
+WebStorm 2016.3 [has] built-in PostCSS support.
+[has]: https://blog.jetbrains.com/webstorm/2016/08/webstorm-2016-3-early-access-preview/