path: root/emulab_support.py
diff options
authorSander Vrijders <sander.vrijders@intec.ugent.be>2017-01-19 14:58:51 +0100
committerSander Vrijders <sander.vrijders@intec.ugent.be>2017-01-20 17:00:05 +0100
commitaa144af88a71fe61c09c21469f78e22881f83354 (patch)
treededb8362f78deec486d3881bd27a255b0f79a86b /emulab_support.py
parente184e2838cc2b65fe9afe1cf7649b01ce4dcf73f (diff)
rhumba: Add emulab support
Now the defined experiment can already be run on the Virtual Wall (1 and 2). The user has to create an EmulabTestbed object and fill it in with the correct info. Next step would be adding jFed as a testbed so that the user can choose which testbed software to use.
Diffstat (limited to 'emulab_support.py')
1 files changed, 336 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/emulab_support.py b/emulab_support.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c31cd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emulab_support.py
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+# Emulab support for Rhumba
+# Sander Vrijders <sander.vrijders@intec.ugent.be>
+# Wouter Tavernier <wouter.tavernier@intec.ugent.be>
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+# MA 02110-1301 USA
+import socket
+import paramiko
+import time
+import os
+import re
+from ast import literal_eval
+import configparser
+import warnings
+tag = "emulab-support"
+def log_debug(message):
+ print(tag + "(DBG): " + message)
+def log_error(message):
+ print(tag + "(ERR): " + message)
+def get_ssh_client():
+ ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient()
+ ssh_client.load_system_host_keys()
+ ssh_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
+ return ssh_client
+def ops_server(testbed):
+ '''
+ Return server name of the ops-server (is testbed specific)
+ @param testbed: testbed info
+ @return: server name of the ops-server
+ '''
+ return 'ops.' + testbed.url
+def full_name(testbed, node_name):
+ '''
+ Return server name of a node
+ @param node_name: name of the node
+ @param testbed: testbed info
+ @return: server name of the node
+ '''
+ return node_name + '.' + testbed.exp_name + '.' + \
+ testbed.proj_name + '.' + testbed.url
+def execute_command(testbed, hostname, command, time_out = 3):
+ '''
+ Remote execution of a list of shell command on hostname. By
+ default this function will exit (timeout) after 3 seconds.
+ @param testbed: testbed info
+ @param hostname: host name or ip address of the node
+ @param command: *nix shell command
+ @param time_out: time_out value in seconds, error will be generated if
+ no result received in given number of seconds, the value None can
+ be used when no timeout is needed
+ @return: stdout resulting from the command
+ '''
+ ssh_client = get_ssh_client()
+ try:
+ ssh_client.connect(hostname, 22,
+ testbed.username, testbed.password,
+ look_for_keys = True, timeout = time_out)
+ stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command(command)
+ err = str(stderr.read()).strip('b\'\"\\n')
+ if err != "":
+ log_error(err)
+ output = str(stdout.read()).strip('b\'\"\\n')
+ ssh_client.close()
+ return output
+ except Exception as e:
+ log_error(str(e))
+ return
+def copy_file_to_testbed(testbed, hostname, text, file_name):
+ '''
+ Write a string to a given remote file.
+ Overwrite the complete file if it already exists!
+ @param testbed: testbed info
+ @param hostname: host name or ip address of the node
+ @param text: string to be written in file
+ @param file_name: file name (including full path) on the host
+ '''
+ ssh_client = get_ssh_client()
+ try:
+ ssh_client.connect(hostname, 22,
+ testbed.username,
+ testbed.password,
+ look_for_keys=True)
+ cmd = "touch " + file_name + \
+ "; chmod a+rwx " + file_name
+ stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command(cmd)
+ err = str(stderr.read()).strip('b\'\"\\n')
+ if err != "":
+ log_error(err)
+ sftp_client = ssh_client.open_sftp()
+ remote_file = sftp_client.open(file_name, 'w')
+ remote_file.write(text)
+ remote_file.close()
+ except Exception as e:
+ log_error(str(e))
+def get_experiment_list(testbed, project_name = None):
+ '''
+ Get list of made emulab experiments accessible with your credentials
+ @param testbed: testbed info
+ @param project_name: optional filter on project
+ @return: list of created experiments (strings)
+ '''
+ cmd = '/usr/testbed/bin/sslxmlrpc_client.py -m experiment getlist'
+ out = execute_command(testbed, ops_server(testbed), cmd)
+ try:
+ if project_name != None:
+ return literal_eval(out)[project_name][project_name]
+ else:
+ return literal_eval(out)
+ except:
+ return { project_name: { project_name: [] }}
+def swap_exp_in(testbed):
+ '''
+ Swaps experiment in
+ @param testbed: testbed info
+ '''
+ cmd = '/usr/testbed/bin/sslxmlrpc_client.py swapexp proj=' + \
+ testbed.proj_name + \
+ ' exp=' + \
+ testbed.exp_name + \
+ ' direction=in'
+ output = execute_command(testbed, ops_server(testbed), cmd)
+ return output
+def create_experiment(testbed, nodes, links):
+ '''
+ Creates an emulab experiment
+ @param testbed: testbed info
+ @param nodes: holds the nodes in the experiment
+ @param links: holds the links in the experiment
+ '''
+ proj_name = testbed.proj_name
+ exp_name = testbed.exp_name
+ exp_list = get_experiment_list(testbed)
+ try:
+ if exp_name in exp_list[proj_name][proj_name]:
+ log_debug("Experiment already exists.")
+ return
+ except:
+ log_debug("First experiment to be created for that project.")
+ ns = generate_ns_script(testbed, nodes, links)
+ dest_file_name = '/users/'+ testbed.username + \
+ '/temp_ns_file.%s.ns' % os.getpid()
+ copy_file_to_testbed(testbed, ops_server(testbed), ns, dest_file_name)
+ cmd = '/usr/testbed/bin/sslxmlrpc_client.py startexp ' + \
+ 'batch=false wait=true proj="' + proj_name + \
+ '" exp="' + exp_name + '" noswapin=true ' + \
+ 'nsfilepath="' + dest_file_name + '"'
+ execute_command(testbed, ops_server(testbed), cmd, time_out = None)
+ execute_command(testbed, ops_server(testbed),'rm ' + dest_file_name)
+ log_debug("New experiment succesfully created.")
+def generate_ns_script(testbed, nodes, p2plinks):
+ '''
+ Generate ns script based on network graph.
+ Enables to customize default node image.
+ @param nodes: holds the nodes in the experiment
+ @param links: holds the links in the experiment
+ @param testbed: testbed info
+ @return: ns2 script for Emulab experiment
+ '''
+ ns2_script = "# ns script generated by Rhumba\n"
+ ns2_script += "set ns [new Simulator]\n"
+ ns2_script += "source tb_compat.tcl\n"
+ for node in nodes:
+ ns2_script += "set " + node.name + " [$ns node]\n"
+ ns2_script += "tb-set-node-os $" + node.name + " " + \
+ testbed.image + "\n"
+ for link in p2plinks:
+ ns2_script += "set " + link.name + \
+ " [$ns duplex-link $" + \
+ link.node_a.name + " $" + \
+ link.node_b.name + " 1000Mb 0ms DropTail]\n"
+ ns2_script += "$ns run\n"
+ return ns2_script
+def wait_until_nodes_up(testbed):
+ '''
+ Checks if nodes are up
+ @param testbed: testbed info
+ '''
+ log_debug("Waiting until all nodes are up")
+ cmd = '/usr/testbed/bin/script_wrapper.py expinfo -e' + \
+ testbed.proj_name + \
+ ',' + \
+ testbed.exp_name + \
+ ' -a | grep State | cut -f2,2 -d " "'
+ res = execute_command(testbed, ops_server(testbed), cmd)
+ active = False
+ if res == "active":
+ active = True
+ while active != True:
+ res = execute_command(testbed, ops_server(testbed), cmd)
+ if res == "active":
+ active = True
+ log_debug("Still waiting")
+ time.sleep(5)
+def complete_experiment_graph(testbed, nodes, p2plinks):
+ '''
+ Gets the interface (ethx) to link mapping
+ @param testbed: testbed info
+ @param nodes: holds the nodes in the experiment
+ @param links: holds the links in the experiment
+ '''
+ node_full_name = full_name(testbed, nodes[0].name)
+ cmd = 'cat /var/emulab/boot/topomap'
+ topomap = execute_command(testbed, node_full_name, cmd)
+ # Almost as ugly as yo momma
+ index = topomap.rfind("# lans")
+ topo_array = topomap[:index].split('\\n')[1:-1]
+ # Array contains things like 'r2b1,link7: link6:'
+ for item in topo_array:
+ item_array = re.split(',? ?', item)
+ node_name = item_array[0]
+ for item2 in item_array[1:]:
+ item2 = item2.split(':')
+ link_name = item2[0]
+ link_ip = item2[1]
+ for link in p2plinks:
+ if link.name == link_name:
+ if link.node_a.name == node_name:
+ link.int_a.ip = link_ip
+ elif link.node_b.name == node_name:
+ link.int_b.ip = link_ip
+ for node in nodes:
+ cmd = 'cat /var/emulab/boot/ifmap'
+ node_full_name = full_name(testbed, node.name)
+ output = execute_command(testbed, node_full_name, cmd)
+ output = re.split('\\\\n', output)
+ for item in output:
+ item = item.split()
+ for link in p2plinks:
+ if link.node_a.name == node.name and \
+ link.int_a.ip == item[1]:
+ link.int_a.name = item[0]
+ elif link.node_b.name == node.name and \
+ link.int_b.ip == item[1]:
+ link.int_b.name = item[0]
+def setup_vlan(testbed, node_name, vlan_id, int_name):
+ '''
+ Gets the interface (ethx) to link mapping
+ @param testbed: testbed info
+ @param node_name: the node to create the VLAN on
+ @param vlan_id: the VLAN id
+ @param int_name: the name of the interface
+ '''
+ log_debug("Setting up VLAN on node " + node_name)
+ node_full_name = full_name(node_name, testbed)
+ cmd = "sudo ip link add link " + \
+ str(int_name) + \
+ " name " + str(int_name) + \
+ "." + str(vlan_id) + \
+ " type vlan id " + str(vlan_id)
+ execute_command(testbed, node_full_name, cmd)
+ cmd = "sudo ifconfig " + \
+ str(int_name) + "." + \
+ str(vlan_id) + " up"
+ execute_command(node_full_name, cmd, testbed)
+ cmd = "sudo ethtool -K " + \
+ str(int_name) + " rxvlan off"
+ execute_command(node_full_name, cmd, testbed)
+ cmd = "sudo ethtool -K " + \
+ str(int_name) + " txvlan off"
+ execute_command(node_full_name, cmd, testbed)