diff options
authorMarco Capitani <m.capitani@nextworks.it>2017-04-14 17:52:56 +0200
committerMarco Capitani <m.capitani@nextworks.it>2017-04-14 17:52:56 +0200
commit6eceae4bf7ee823d6eed276935741b7c107f6105 (patch)
parent2f423e0282975b753f6686654f3adc0f535d23d7 (diff)
Implemented several comments on MR 22:
+ Used paramiko for scp (implemented new method in ssh_support + removed (obsoleted) private key for access to vms + used setup_vlans from ssh_support
4 files changed, 107 insertions, 85 deletions
diff --git a/rumba/prototypes/irati.py b/rumba/prototypes/irati.py
index edc49c6..89c4fe4 100644
--- a/rumba/prototypes/irati.py
+++ b/rumba/prototypes/irati.py
@@ -31,9 +31,6 @@ import rumba.prototypes.irati_templates as irati_templates
# An experiment over the IRATI implementation
-from rumba import ssh_support
class Experiment(mod.Experiment):
@@ -47,6 +44,7 @@ class Experiment(mod.Experiment):
def __init__(self, testbed, nodes=None):
mod.Experiment.__init__(self, testbed, nodes)
self.manager = False
+ self.conf_files = None
if self.testbed.username == 'root':
self.sudo = self.fake_sudo
@@ -94,7 +92,7 @@ class Experiment(mod.Experiment):
print("[IRATI experiment] start")
print("Setting up IRATI on the nodes...")
- self.write_conf()
+ self.conf_files = self.write_conf()
print("[IRATI experiment] end")
@@ -107,45 +105,34 @@ class Experiment(mod.Experiment):
name = node.name
- gen_files_conf = 'shimeth.%(name)s.*.dif da.map %(name)s.ipcm.conf' % {
- 'name': name}
- if any(node in dif.members for dif in self.dif_ordering):
- gen_files_conf = ' '.join(
- [gen_files_conf, 'normal.%(name)s.*.dif' % {'name': name}])
+ gen_files_conf = self.conf_files[node] + ['da.map']
dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
gen_files_bin = 'enroll.py'
- gen_files_conf_full = \
- ' '.join([self.conf_dir(x) for x in gen_files_conf.split()])
- gen_files_bin_full = os.path.join(dir_path, 'enroll.py')
+ gen_files_conf_full = [self.conf_dir(x) for x in gen_files_conf]
+ gen_files_bin_full = [os.path.join(dir_path, 'enroll.py')]
ipcm_components = ['scripting', 'console']
if self.manager:
ipcm_components = ', '.join(ipcm_components)
- gen_files = ' '.join([gen_files_conf_full, gen_files_bin_full])
+ gen_files = gen_files_conf_full + gen_files_bin_full
- sshopts = ('-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null'
- ' -o IdentityFile=%s'
- % (os.path.join(dir_path, 'irati_rsa',)))
format_args = {'name': name,
'ssh': node.ssh_config.port,
'username': self.testbed.username,
'genfiles': gen_files,
- 'genfilesconf': gen_files_conf,
+ 'genfilesconf': ' '.join(gen_files_conf),
'genfilesbin': gen_files_bin,
- 'sshopts': sshopts,
'installpath': '/usr',
'verb': 'DBG',
'ipcmcomps': ipcm_components}
- print('DEBUG: executing >> '
- 'scp %(sshopts)s -r -P %(ssh)s '
- '%(genfiles)s %(username)s@localhost:'
- % format_args)
- subprocess.check_call(('scp %(sshopts)s -r -P %(ssh)s '
- '%(genfiles)s %(username)s@localhost:'
- % format_args), shell=True)
+ # TODO: watch out for empty path...
+ ssh.copy_paths_to_testbed(self.testbed,
+ node.ssh_config,
+ gen_files,
+ '')
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
raise Exception(str(e))
@@ -154,7 +141,8 @@ class Experiment(mod.Experiment):
cmds = [self.sudo('hostname %(name)s' % format_args),
self.sudo('chmod a+rw /dev/irati'),
self.sudo('mv %(genfilesconf)s /etc' % format_args),
- self.sudo('mv %(genfilesbin)s /usr/bin') % format_args]
+ self.sudo('mv %(genfilesbin)s /usr/bin') % format_args,
+ self.sudo('chmod a+x /usr/bin/enroll.py') % format_args]
# TODO: is the port up on the VM at this point?
@@ -167,7 +155,7 @@ class Experiment(mod.Experiment):
# print('Credentials:')
# print(node.ssh_config.hostname, node.ssh_config.port,
# self.testbed.username, self.testbed.password)
- ssh_support.execute_commands(self.testbed, node.ssh_config, cmds)
+ ssh.execute_commands(self.testbed, node.ssh_config, cmds)
def enroll_nodes(self):
"""Runs the enrollments one by one, respecting dependencies"""
@@ -198,9 +186,9 @@ class Experiment(mod.Experiment):
# print(e['enrollee'].ssh_config.hostname,
# e['enrollee'].ssh_config.port,
# self.testbed.username, self.testbed.password)
- ssh_support.execute_command(self.testbed,
- e['enrollee'].ssh_config,
- cmd)
+ ssh.execute_command(self.testbed,
+ e['enrollee'].ssh_config,
+ cmd)
def write_conf(self):
"""Write the configuration files"""
@@ -210,6 +198,7 @@ class Experiment(mod.Experiment):
ipcp2shim_map = {}
node2id_map = {}
mgmt_dif_name = 'NMS'
+ conf_files = {} # dict of per-nod conf files
# TODO: what format are the mappings registered in? Is this ok?
app_mappings = []
@@ -298,6 +287,8 @@ class Experiment(mod.Experiment):
indent=4, sort_keys=True))
+ conf_files.setdefault(node, []).append(
+ 'shimeth.%s.%s.dif' % (node.name, shim.name))
# Run over dif_ordering array, to make sure each IPCM config has
# the correct ordering for the ipcProcessesToCreate list of operations.
@@ -360,6 +351,8 @@ class Experiment(mod.Experiment):
+ conf_files.setdefault(node, []).append(
+ '%s.ipcm.conf' % (node.name,))
for dif in self.dif_ordering: # type: mod.DIF
dif_conf = difconfs.get(dif.name, None)
@@ -373,3 +366,6 @@ class Experiment(mod.Experiment):
+ conf_files.setdefault(node, []).append(
+ 'normal.%s.%s.dif' % (node.name, dif.name))
+ return conf_files
diff --git a/rumba/prototypes/irati_rsa b/rumba/prototypes/irati_rsa
deleted file mode 100644
index 8119a76..0000000
--- a/rumba/prototypes/irati_rsa
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/rumba/ssh_support.py b/rumba/ssh_support.py
index 30ada62..3ed4208 100644
--- a/rumba/ssh_support.py
+++ b/rumba/ssh_support.py
@@ -17,9 +17,10 @@
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301 USA
+import os
import paramiko
def get_ssh_client():
ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient()
@@ -27,6 +28,7 @@ def get_ssh_client():
return ssh_client
def _print_stream(stream):
o = str(stream.read()).strip('b\'\"\\n')
if o != "":
@@ -35,6 +37,7 @@ def _print_stream(stream):
return o
def execute_commands(testbed, ssh_config, commands, time_out=3):
Remote execution of a list of shell command on hostname. By
@@ -71,6 +74,7 @@ def execute_commands(testbed, ssh_config, commands, time_out=3):
def execute_command(testbed, ssh_config, command, time_out=3):
Remote execution of a list of shell command on hostname. By
@@ -89,6 +93,7 @@ def execute_command(testbed, ssh_config, command, time_out=3):
if o != None:
return o
def copy_file_to_testbed(testbed, ssh_config, text, file_name):
Write a string to a given remote file.
@@ -125,6 +130,58 @@ def copy_file_to_testbed(testbed, ssh_config, text, file_name):
except Exception as e:
+def copy_paths_to_testbed(testbed, ssh_config, paths, destination):
+ '''
+ Write a string to a given remote file.
+ Overwrite the complete file if it already exists!
+ @param testbed: testbed info
+ @param ssh_config: ssh config of the node
+ @param paths: source paths (local) as an iterable
+ @param destination: destination folder name (remote)
+ '''
+ ssh_client = get_ssh_client()
+ if destination is not '' and not destination.endswith('/'):
+ destination = destination + '/'
+ try:
+ ssh_client.connect(ssh_config.hostname, ssh_config.port,
+ testbed.username,
+ testbed.password,
+ look_for_keys=True)
+ sftp_client = ssh_client.open_sftp()
+ for path in paths:
+ file_name = os.path.basename(path)
+ dest_file = destination + file_name
+ print("Copying %s to %s@%s:%s path %s" % (
+ path,
+ testbed.username,
+ ssh_config.hostname,
+ ssh_config.port,
+ dest_file))
+ sftp_client.put(path, dest_file)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(str(e))
+def copy_path_to_testbed(testbed, ssh_config, path, destination):
+ '''
+ Write a string to a given remote file.
+ Overwrite the complete file if it already exists!
+ @param testbed: testbed info
+ @param ssh_config: ssh config of the node
+ @param path: source path (local)
+ @param destination: destination folder name (remote)
+ '''
+ copy_paths_to_testbed(testbed, ssh_config, [path], destination)
def setup_vlan(testbed, node, vlan_id, int_name):
Gets the interface (ethx) to link mapping
@@ -134,22 +191,27 @@ def setup_vlan(testbed, node, vlan_id, int_name):
@param vlan_id: the VLAN id
@param int_name: the name of the interface
+ if testbed.username == 'root':
+ def sudo(s):
+ return s
+ else:
+ def sudo(s):
+ return 'sudo ' + s
print("Setting up VLAN on node " + node.name)
- cmds = list()
- cmd = "sudo ip link add link " + \
- str(int_name) + \
- " name " + str(int_name) + \
- "." + str(vlan_id) + \
- " type vlan id " + str(vlan_id)
- cmds.append(cmd)
- cmd = "sudo ifconfig " + \
- str(int_name) + "." + \
- str(vlan_id) + " up"
- cmds.append(cmd)
- cmd = "sudo ethtool -K " + \
- str(int_name) + " rxvlan off"
- cmds.append(cmd)
- cmd = "sudo ethtool -K " + \
- str(int_name) + " txvlan off"
+ args = {'ifname': str(int_name), 'vlan': str(vlan_id)}
+ cmds = [sudo("ip link set %(ifname)s up"
+ % args),
+ sudo("ip link add link %(ifname)s name "
+ "%(ifname)s.%(vlan)s type vlan id %(vlan)s"
+ % args),
+ sudo("ifconfig %(ifname)s.%(vlan)s up"
+ % args)]
+ # TODO: is ethtool needed? Should install or check if it is present.
+ # cmds += [sudo("ethtool -K %(ifname)s rxvlan off"
+ # % args),
+ # sudo("ethtool -K %(ifname)s txvlan off"
+ # % args)]
execute_commands(testbed, node.ssh_config, cmds)
diff --git a/rumba/testbeds/qemu.py b/rumba/testbeds/qemu.py
index 8ccc704..174b860 100644
--- a/rumba/testbeds/qemu.py
+++ b/rumba/testbeds/qemu.py
@@ -103,17 +103,8 @@ class Testbed(mod.Testbed):
vlan = next_vlan
next_vlan += 10
assigned_vlan[port['shim'].name] = vlan
- args = {'vlan': vlan, 'port': ipcp.ifname}
- cmds = ['ip link set %(port)s up'
- % args,
- 'ip link add link %(port)s name %(port)s.%(vlan)s '
- 'type vlan id %(vlan)s'
- % args,
- 'ip link set %(port)s.%(vlan)s up'
- % args]
- ssh_support.execute_commands(self,
- node.ssh_config,
- cmds)
+ ssh_support.setup_vlan(self, node,
+ vlan, ipcp.ifname)
def swap_in(self, experiment):