path: root/netfpga10g/tests/queue_test.vhd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'netfpga10g/tests/queue_test.vhd')
1 files changed, 149 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/netfpga10g/tests/queue_test.vhd b/netfpga10g/tests/queue_test.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc53ea0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netfpga10g/tests/queue_test.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+-- Company:
+-- Engineer:
+-- Create Date: 17:42:12 02/23/2017
+-- Design Name:
+-- Module Name: /home/alexander/Code/raptor2/hw/tests/queue_test.vhd
+-- Project Name: raptor2
+-- Target Device:
+-- Tool versions:
+-- Description:
+-- VHDL Test Bench Created by ISE for module: queue
+-- Dependencies:
+-- Revision:
+-- Revision 0.01 - File Created
+-- Additional Comments:
+-- Notes:
+-- This testbench has been automatically generated using types std_logic and
+-- std_logic_vector for the ports of the unit under test. Xilinx recommends
+-- that these types always be used for the top-level I/O of a design in order
+-- to guarantee that the testbench will bind correctly to the post-implementation
+-- simulation model.
+LIBRARY ieee;
+USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
+-- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
+-- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values
+--USE ieee.numeric_std.ALL;
+ENTITY queue_test IS
+END queue_test;
+ARCHITECTURE behavior OF queue_test IS
+ -- Component Declaration for the Unit Under Test (UUT)
+ clk : IN std_logic;
+ reset : IN std_logic;
+ in_data : IN std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+ in_valid : in std_logic;
+ in_end : IN std_logic;
+ in_cancel : IN std_logic;
+ out_data : OUT std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+ out_valid : OUT std_logic;
+ out_next : IN std_logic
+ );
+ --Inputs
+ signal clk : std_logic := '0';
+ signal reset : std_logic := '0';
+ signal in_data : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0) := (others => '0');
+ signal in_valid : std_logic := '0';
+ signal in_end : std_logic := '0';
+ signal in_cancel : std_logic := '0';
+ signal out_next : std_logic := '0';
+ --Outputs
+ signal out_data : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+ signal out_valid : std_logic;
+ -- Clock period definitions
+ constant clk_period : time := 10 ns;
+ -- Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
+ uut: queue PORT MAP (
+ clk => clk,
+ reset => reset,
+ in_data => in_data,
+ in_valid => in_valid,
+ in_end => in_end,
+ in_cancel => in_cancel,
+ out_data => out_data,
+ out_valid => out_valid,
+ out_next => out_next
+ );
+ -- Clock process definitions
+ clk_process :process
+ begin
+ clk <= '0';
+ wait for clk_period/2;
+ clk <= '1';
+ wait for clk_period/2;
+ end process;
+ -- TESTS
+ process begin
+ reset <= '1';
+ wait for 5 ns;
+ reset <= '0';
+ wait;
+ end process;
+ process begin
+ wait for clk_period * 2;
+ in_data <= x"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA";
+ in_valid <= '1';
+ wait for clk_period;
+ in_data <= x"BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB";
+ in_valid <= '0';
+ wait for clk_period;
+ in_data <= x"CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC";
+ in_valid <= '1';
+ wait for clk_period;
+ in_data <= x"DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD";
+ in_valid <= '1';
+ in_end <= '1';
+ wait for clk_period;
+ in_valid <= '0';
+ in_end <= '0';
+ wait for clk_period * 2;
+ in_data <= x"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA";
+ in_valid <= '1';
+ wait for clk_period;
+ in_data <= x"BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB";
+ in_valid <= '1';
+ wait for clk_period;
+ in_data <= x"CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC";
+ in_valid <= '1';
+ wait for clk_period;
+ in_data <= x"DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD";
+ in_valid <= '1';
+ in_cancel <= '1';
+ wait for clk_period;
+ in_valid <= '0';
+ in_cancel <= '0';
+ end process;
+ process begin
+ wait for clk_period * 15;
+ out_next <= '1';
+ wait for clk_period * 2;
+ out_next <= '0';
+ wait for clk_period * 2;
+ out_next <= '1';
+ end process;