path: root/themes/docsy/assets/vendor/forkawesome/src/icons/svg/github-square.svg
diff options
authorThijs Paelman <thijs.paelman+git@hotmail.be>2023-06-02 23:47:20 +0200
committerThijs Paelman <thijs.paelman+git@hotmail.be>2023-06-02 23:47:20 +0200
commit9af8ec61bb78b60a83fce241ef0e5f485dcfda28 (patch)
tree9d4305aeccf27d3324769879a1ac3bc17fe4426b /themes/docsy/assets/vendor/forkawesome/src/icons/svg/github-square.svg
parentd7f7c4b20cabb32bde00ff0e2fe9685ba041f3ab (diff)
Add Matrix socials & fix typo
Add Matrix social element, by installing an extra font. It was pretty painful to install, and has some impact on all css-styles that start with the '.fa' class, due to global namespacing in scss (by using @import)
Diffstat (limited to 'themes/docsy/assets/vendor/forkawesome/src/icons/svg/github-square.svg')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/themes/docsy/assets/vendor/forkawesome/src/icons/svg/github-square.svg b/themes/docsy/assets/vendor/forkawesome/src/icons/svg/github-square.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a4e3f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/docsy/assets/vendor/forkawesome/src/icons/svg/github-square.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<svg width="1536" height="1536" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
+ <path d="M519 1200c2-3 1-9-3-13-5-4-11-5-14-2-2 3-1 9 3 13 5 4 11 5 14 2zm-28-41c-3-4-8-6-12-4-3 2-3 8 0 12 4 5 9 7 12 5s3-8 0-13zm-41-40c1-2-1-6-5-8-3-1-7-1-8 2-2 3 0 6 4 8 4 1 8 1 9-2zm21 23c2-2 2-7-2-10-3-4-8-5-10-3-3 3-2 7 1 11 3 3 8 5 11 2zm86 75c1-4-3-9-9-11s-11 0-13 4c-1 4 3 9 9 11s11 0 13-4zm42 3c0-4-5-8-12-8-6 0-10 4-10 8s5 8 11 8 11-4 11-8zm39-7c-1-4-7-6-13-5s-10 5-9 9 6 7 12 6 10-6 10-10zm642-317c0-283-229-512-512-512S256 613 256 896c0 226 147 418 350 486 26 5 35-11 35-25 0-12 0-52-1-95 0 0-142 31-172-61 0 0-23-59-57-74 0 0-46-32 4-32 0 0 50 4 78 53 45 79 120 56 149 43 5-33 18-56 33-69-114-13-234-57-234-253 0-56 20-101 53-137-5-13-23-65 5-136 43-13 141 53 141 53 41-12 84-17 128-17s87 5 128 17c0 0 98-66 141-53 28 71 10 123 5 136 33 36 53 81 53 137 0 197-120 240-234 253 18 16 35 47 35 95 0 68-1 123-1 140 0 14 9 30 35 25 203-68 350-260 350-486zm256-480v960c0 159-129 288-288 288H288c-159 0-288-129-288-288V416c0-159 129-288 288-288h960c159 0 288 129 288 288z"/>