"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var pathUtils = require("../../utils/path"); var patternUtils = require("../../utils/pattern"); var DeepFilter = /** @class */ (function () { function DeepFilter(options, micromatchOptions) { this.options = options; this.micromatchOptions = micromatchOptions; } /** * Returns filter for directories. */ DeepFilter.prototype.getFilter = function (positive, negative) { var _this = this; var maxPatternDepth = this.getMaxPatternDepth(positive); var negativeRe = this.getNegativePatternsRe(negative); return function (entry) { return _this.filter(entry, negativeRe, maxPatternDepth); }; }; /** * Returns max depth of the provided patterns. */ DeepFilter.prototype.getMaxPatternDepth = function (patterns) { var globstar = patterns.some(patternUtils.hasGlobStar); return globstar ? Infinity : patternUtils.getMaxNaivePatternsDepth(patterns); }; /** * Returns RegExp's for patterns that can affect the depth of reading. */ DeepFilter.prototype.getNegativePatternsRe = function (patterns) { var affectDepthOfReadingPatterns = patterns.filter(patternUtils.isAffectDepthOfReadingPattern); return patternUtils.convertPatternsToRe(affectDepthOfReadingPatterns, this.micromatchOptions); }; /** * Returns «true» for directory that should be read. */ DeepFilter.prototype.filter = function (entry, negativeRe, maxPatternDepth) { if (this.isSkippedByDeepOption(entry.depth)) { return false; } if (this.isSkippedByMaxPatternDepth(entry.depth, maxPatternDepth)) { return false; } if (this.isSkippedSymlinkedDirectory(entry)) { return false; } if (this.isSkippedDotDirectory(entry)) { return false; } return this.isSkippedByNegativePatterns(entry, negativeRe); }; /** * Returns «true» when the «deep» option is disabled or number and depth of the entry is greater that the option value. */ DeepFilter.prototype.isSkippedByDeepOption = function (entryDepth) { return !this.options.deep || (typeof this.options.deep === 'number' && entryDepth >= this.options.deep); }; /** * Returns «true» when depth parameter is not an Infinity and entry depth greater that the parameter value. */ DeepFilter.prototype.isSkippedByMaxPatternDepth = function (entryDepth, maxPatternDepth) { return maxPatternDepth !== Infinity && entryDepth >= maxPatternDepth; }; /** * Returns «true» for symlinked directory if the «followSymlinkedDirectories» option is disabled. */ DeepFilter.prototype.isSkippedSymlinkedDirectory = function (entry) { return !this.options.followSymlinkedDirectories && entry.isSymbolicLink(); }; /** * Returns «true» for a directory whose name starts with a period if «dot» option is disabled. */ DeepFilter.prototype.isSkippedDotDirectory = function (entry) { return !this.options.dot && pathUtils.isDotDirectory(entry.path); }; /** * Returns «true» for a directory whose path math to any negative pattern. */ DeepFilter.prototype.isSkippedByNegativePatterns = function (entry, negativeRe) { return !patternUtils.matchAny(entry.path, negativeRe); }; return DeepFilter; }()); exports.default = DeepFilter;