--- title: "Extra" draft: false menu: "main" menu: main: weight: 40 --- Raptor ------ Raptor is a proof-of-concept FPGA demonstrator for running Ouroboros directly over Ethernet PHY (OSI L1). For this, it uses the [NetFPGA 10G](http://netfpga.org/site/#/systems/3netfpga-10g/details/) platform, which has Broadcom AEL2005 PHY 10G Ethernet devices. Raptor is point-to-point and does not use addresses. It is available for Linux only and support is minimal. If you are interested in trying it out, please contact us via the ouroboros mailing list or the IRC channel. You can clone the [raptor repository](/cgit/raptor/): ``` $ git clone http://ouroboros.rocks/git/raptor $ git clone https://ouroboros.rocks/git/raptor $ git clone git://ouroboros.rocks/raptor ``` There are two directories. The *linux* directory contains the kernel module, the *netfpga10g* directory contains the files necessary to build the FPGA design. To build and install the kernel module: ``` $ make $ sudo make install ``` You can now load/unload the raptor kernel module: ``` $ sudo modprobe raptor $ sudo rmmod raptor ``` To uninstall the module: ``` $ sudo make uninstall ``` You will need to get some cores (such as PCIe and XAUI) from Xilinx in order to build this project using the provided tcl script. Detailed instructions on how to build the NetFPGA project under construction. Raptor is integrated in Ouroboros and the raptor IPCP will be built if the kernel module is installed in the default location. Raptor was developed as part of the master thesis (in Dutch) "Implementatie van de Recursive Internet Architecture op een FPGA platform" by Alexander D'hoore. The kernel module is licensed under the [GNU Public License (GPL) version 2](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html). The NetFPGA design is available under the [GNU Lesser Public License (LGPL) version 2.1](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html). ioq3 ---- As a demo, we have added Ouroboros support to the [ioq3](https://github.com/ioquake/ioq3) game engine. ioq3 is a fork of ID software's [Quake III Arena GPL Source Release](https://github.com/id-Software/Quake-III-Arena). The port is available as a [patch](/patches/ouroboros-ioq3.patch). The servers currently only work in dedicated mode (there is no way yet to start a server from the client). To get the demo, first get the latest ioq3 sources: ``` $ git clone https://github.com/ioquake/ioq3.git $ cd ioq3 ``` Copy the patch via the link above, or get it via wget: ``` $ wget https://ouroboros.rocks/patches/ouroboros-ioq3.patch ``` Apply the patch to the ioq3 code: ``` $ git apply ouroboros-ioq3.patch ``` With Ouroboros installed, build the ioq3 project in standalone mode: ``` $ STANDALONE=1 make ``` You may need to install some dependencies like SDL2, see the [ioq3 documentation](http://wiki.ioquake3.org/Building_ioquake3). The ioq3 project only supplies the game engine. To play Quake III Arena, you need the original game files and a valid key. Various open source games make use of the engine. We wil detail the procedure for running OpenArena in your ioq3 build directory. Go to your build directory: ``` $ cd build// ``` To run OpenArena, you only need to the game files. First download the zip archive (openarena-0.8.8.zip) from the [OpenArena website](http://www.openarena.ws) (or via wget) and then extract the baseoa folder: ``` $ wget http://www.openarena.ws/request.php?4 -O openarena-0.8.8.zip $ unzip -j openarena-0.8.8.zip 'openarena-0.8.8/baseoa/*' -d ./baseoa ``` Make sure you have a local Ouroboros layer running in your system (see [this](/tutorial-1/). To test the game, start a server (replace with the correct architecture extension for your machine, eg x86_64): ``` $ ./ioq3ded. +set com_basegame baseoa +map aggressor ``` Bind the pid of the server to a name and register it in the local layer: ``` $ irm bind proc name my.ioq3.server $ irm reg name my.ioq3.server layer ``` To connect, start a client (in a different terminal): ``` $ ./ioquake3. +set com_basegame baseoa ``` When the client starts, go to the console by typing ~ (tilde) and enter the following command ``` connect -O my.ioq3.server ``` The client should now connect to the ioq3 dedicated server over Ouroboros. Register the name in non-local layers to connect from other machines. Happy Fragging! Rumba ----- Rumba is an experimentation framework for deploying recursive network experiments in various network testbeds. It is developed as part of the [ARCFIRE](http://ict-arcfire.eu) project, and available on [gitlab](https://gitlab.com/arcfire/rumba) .