--- title: "Requirements" author: "Dimitri Staessens" date: 2019-07-23 weight: 10 draft: false description: > System requirements and software dependencies. --- ### System requirements Ouroboros builds on most POSIX compliant systems. Below you will find instructions for GNU/Linux, FreeBSD and OS X. On Windows 10, you can build Ouroboros using the [Linux Subsystem for Windows](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10) . You need [*git*](https://git-scm.com/) to clone the repository. To build Ouroboros, you need [*cmake*](https://cmake.org/), [*google protocol buffers*](https://github.com/protobuf-c/protobuf-c) installed in addition to a C compiler ([*gcc*](https://gcc.gnu.org/) or [*clang*](https://clang.llvm.org/)) and [*make*](https://www.gnu.org/software/make/). Optionally, you can also install [*libgcrypt*](https://gnupg.org/software/libgcrypt/index.html), [*libssl*](https://www.openssl.org/), [*fuse*](https://github.com/libfuse), and *dnsutils*. On GNU/Linux you will need either libgcrypt (≥ 1.7.0) or libssl if your [*glibc*](https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/) is older than version 2.25. On OS X, you will need [homebrew](https://brew.sh/). [Disable System Integrity Protection](https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/Security/Conceptual/System_Integrity_Protection_Guide/ConfiguringSystemIntegrityProtection/ConfiguringSystemIntegrityProtection.html) during the [installation](#install) and/or [removal](#remove) of Ouroboros. ### Install the dependencies **Debian/Ubuntu Linux:** ```bash $ apt-get install git protobuf-c-compiler cmake $ apt-get install libgcrypt20-dev libssl-dev libfuse-dev dnsutils cmake-curses-gui ``` If during the build process cmake complains that the Protobuf C compiler is required but not found, and you installed the protobuf-c-compiler package, you will also need this: ```bash $ apt-get install libprotobuf-c-dev ``` **Arch Linux:** ```bash $ pacman -S git protobuf-c cmake $ pacman -S libgcrypt openssl fuse dnsutils ``` **FreeBSD 11:** ```bash $ pkg install git protobuf-c cmake $ pkg install libgcrypt openssl fusefs-libs bind-tools ``` **Mac OS X Sierra / High Sierra:** ```bash $ brew install git protobuf-c cmake $ brew install libgcrypt openssl ```