--- title: "ioq3" author: "Dimitri Staessens" date: 2019-10-06 draft: false description: > Added support for Ouroboros to the ioq3 game engine. --- As a demo, we have added Ouroboros support to the [ioq3](https://github.com/ioquake/ioq3) game engine. ioq3 is a fork of ID software's [Quake III Arena GPL Source Release](https://github.com/id-Software/Quake-III-Arena). The port is available as a [patch](/patches/ouroboros-ioq3.patch). The servers currently only work in dedicated mode (there is no way yet to start a server from the client). To get the demo, first get the latest ioq3 sources: ```bash $ git clone https://github.com/ioquake/ioq3.git $ cd ioq3 ``` Copy the patch via the link above, or get it via wget: ```bash $ wget https://ouroboros.rocks/patches/ouroboros-ioq3.patch ``` Apply the patch to the ioq3 code: ```bash $ git apply ouroboros-ioq3.patch ``` With Ouroboros installed, build the ioq3 project in standalone mode: ```bash $ STANDALONE=1 make ``` You may need to install some dependencies like SDL2, see the [ioq3 documentation](http://wiki.ioquake3.org/Building_ioquake3). The ioq3 project only supplies the game engine. To play Quake III Arena, you need the original game files and a valid key. Various open source games make use of the engine. We wil detail the procedure for running OpenArena in your ioq3 build directory. Go to your build directory: ```bash $ cd build/<release_dir>/ ``` To run OpenArena, you only need to the game files. First download the zip archive (openarena-0.8.8.zip) from the [OpenArena website](http://www.openarena.ws) (or via wget) and then extract the baseoa folder: ```bash $ wget http://www.openarena.ws/request.php?4 -O openarena-0.8.8.zip $ unzip -j openarena-0.8.8.zip 'openarena-0.8.8/baseoa/*' -d ./baseoa ``` Make sure you have a local Ouroboros layer running in your system (see [this tutorial](/tutorial-1/)). To test the game, start a server (replace <arch> with the correct architecture extension for your machine, eg x86_64): ```bash $ ./ioq3ded.<arch> +set com_basegame baseoa +map aggressor ``` Bind the pid of the server to a name and register it in the local layer: ```bash $ irm bind proc <pid> name my.ioq3.server $ irm name reg my.ioq3.server layer <your_local_layer> ``` To connect, start a client (in a different terminal): ```bash $ ./ioquake3.<arch> +set com_basegame baseoa ``` When the client starts, go to the console by typing ~ (tilde) and enter the following command ```bash connect -O my.ioq3.server ``` The client should now connect to the ioq3 dedicated server over Ouroboros. Register the name in non-local layers to connect from other machines. Happy Fragging!