title: "What is a recursive network?"
author: "Dimitri Staessens"
description: "what"
date: 2019-07-06
#type: page
draft: false
Ouroboros has the objective to greatly simplify the creation and
management of distributed applications, through a single, unified API.
The API is completely agnostic of where the applications are running,
whether the destination application is running locally on your
machine, or remotely over the internet, the API calls are exactly the
It is based on the __recursive networks__ paradigm.
# The current networking paradigm
Every computer science class that deals with networks explains the
[7-layer OSI model](https://www.bmc.com/blogs/osi-model-7-layers/).
Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) defines 7 layers, each providing an
abstraction for a certain *function* that a network application may
From top to bottom, the layers provide (roughly) the following
The __application layer__ implements the details of the application
protocol (such as HTTP), which specifies the operations and data that
the application understands (requesting a web page).
The __presentation layer__ provides independence of data representation,
and may also perform encryption.
The __session layer__ sets up and manages sessions (think of a session
as a conversation or dialogue) between the applications.
The __transport layer__ handles individual chunks of data (think of them
as words in the conversation), and can ensure that there is end-to-end
reliability (no words or phrases get lost).
The __network layer__ forwards the packets across the network, it
provides such things as addressing and congestion control.
The __datalink layer__ encodes data into bits and moves them between
hosts. It handles errors in the physical layer. It has two sub-layers:
Media access control layer (MAC), which says when hosts can transmit
on the medium, and logical link control (LLC) that deals with error
handling and control of transmission rates.
Finally, the __physical layer__ is responsible for translating the
bits into a signal (e.g. laser pulses in a fibre) that is carried
between endpoints.
This functional layering provides a logical order for the steps that
data passes through between applications. Indeed, every existing
(packet) network goes through these steps in roughly this order
(however, some may be skipped). There can be some small variations on
where the functions are implemented. For instance, TCP does congestion
control, but is a Layer 4 protocol.
However, when looking at current networking solutions, things are not
as simple as these 7 layers seem to indicate. Just consider this
realistic scenario for a software developer working remotely. Usually
it goes something like this: You connect to the company __Virtual
Private Network__ (VPN), setup an SSH __tunnel__ over the development
server to your virtual machine and then SSH into that virtual machine.
The use of VPNs and various tunneling technologies draw a picture
where the __functions__ of Layers 2, 3, and 4, and often layers 5 and
6 (encryption) are __repeated__ a number of times in the actual
functional path that data follows through the network stack.
Enter __*recursive networks*__.
# The recursive network paradigm
The functional repetition in the network stack is discussed in
detail in the book __*"Patterns in Network Architecture: A Return to
Fundamentals"*__. From the observations in the book, a new architecture
was proposed, called the "__R__ecursive __I__nter__N__etwork
__A__rchitecture", or [__RINA__](http://www.pouzinsociety.org).
__Ouroboros__ follows the recursive principles of RINA, but deviates
quit a bit from its internal design. There are resources on the
Internet explaining RINA, but here we will focus
on its high level design and what is relevant for Ouroboros.
Let's look at a simple scenario of an employee contacting an internet
corporate server over a Layer 3 VPN from home. Let's assume for
simplicity that the corporate LAN is not behind a NAT firewall. All
three networks perform (among some other things):
__Addressing__: The VPN hosts receive an IP address in the VPN, let's
say some address. The host will also have a public IP
address, for instance in the range . Finally that host
will have an Ethernet MAC address. Now the addresses __differ in
syntax and semantics__, but for the purpose of moving data packets,
they have the same function: __identifying a node in a network__.
__Forwarding__: Forwarding is the process of moving packets to a
destination __with intent__: each forwarding action moves the data
packet __closer__ to its destination node with respect to some
__metric__ (distance function).
__Network discovery__: Ethernet switches learn where the endpoints are
through MAC learning, remembering the incoming interface when it sees
a new SRC address; IP routers learn the network by exchanging
informational packets about adjacency in a process called *routing*;
and a VPN proxy server relays packets as the central hub of a network
connected as a star between the VPN clients and the local area
network (LAN) that is provides access to.
__Congestion management__: When there is a prolonged period where a
node receives more traffic than can forward forward, for instance
because there are incoming links with higher speeds than some outgoing
link, or there is a lot of traffic between different endpoints towards
the same destination, the endpoints experience congestion. Each
network could handle this situation (but not all do: TCP does
congestion control for IP networks, but Ethernet just drops traffic
and lets the IP network deal with it. Congestion management for
Ethernet never really took off).
__Name resolution__: In order not having to remember addresses of the
hosts (which are in a format that make it easier for a machine to deal
with), each network keeps a mapping of a name to an address. For IP
networks (which includes the VPN in our example), this is done by the
Domain Name System (DNS) service (or, alternatively, other services
such as *open root* or *namecoin*). For Ethernet, the Address
Resolution Protocol maps a higher layer name to a MAC (hardware)
Recursive networks take all these functions to be part of a network
layer, and layers are mostly defined by their __scope__. The lowest
layers span a link or the reach of some wireless technology. Higher
layers span a LAN or the network of a corporation e.g. a subnetwork or
an Autonomous System (AS). An even higher layer would be a global
network. An even higher one a Virtual Private Network. An even higher
one a tunnel, etc. Each layer being the same in terms of
functionality, but different in its choice of algorithm or
implementation. Sometimes the function is just not implemented
(there's no need for routing in a tunnel!), but logically it could be
2019 07 09: Initial version.