# # A library to manage ARCFIRE experiments # # Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Nextworks S.r.l. # Copyright (C) 2017-2018 imec # # Sander Vrijders # Dimitri Staessens # Vincenzo Maffione # Marco Capitani # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., http://www.fsf.org/about/contact/. # import os from time import sleep import docker import subprocess import rumba.model as mod import rumba.log as log from rumba.executors.docker import DockerExecutor logger = log.get_logger(__name__) class Testbed(mod.Testbed): """ Represents a docker testbed. """ def __init__(self, base_image=None, exp_name='foo', pull_image=True, use_ovs=False): """ Initializes the testbed class. :param exp_name: The experiment name. :param base_image: The docker base image. :param pull_image: Retrieve the docker image from the Docker hub? :param use_ovs: Use the OVS switch instead of the Linux bridge? .. note:: In case no base image is provided, Rumba will automatically download the latest version available from docker hub. """ mod.Testbed.__init__(self, exp_name, "", "", "") self.base_image = base_image self.pull_image = pull_image self.use_ovs = use_ovs self.running_containers = {} self.active_bridges = set() self.active_ipcps = set() self.docker_client = docker.from_env() self.executor = DockerExecutor(self) def _swap_in(self, experiment): docker_client = self.docker_client if not self.base_image: if experiment.prototype_name() == 'ouroboros': self.base_image = 'arcfirerumba/ouroboros' else: raise Exception('Only Ouroboros supported for now.') img = self.base_image.rsplit(":", 1) self.base_image_repo = img[0] self.base_image_tag = "latest" if len(img) == 1 else img[1] self.base_image = "%s:%s" % (self.base_image_repo, self.base_image_tag) # Pull image if self.pull_image: docker_client.images.pull(self.base_image_repo, self.base_image_tag) docker_client.images.get("%s:%s" % (self.base_image_repo, self.base_image_tag)) # Start all nodes for node in experiment.nodes: self.running_containers[node.name] = docker_client.containers.run( self.base_image, command=node.startup_command, name='node-' + node.name, detach=True, network="none", privileged=True, devices=["/dev/fuse"]) logger.info("Nodes starting") if not os.path.exists("/var/run/netns"): subprocess.check_call('sudo mkdir /var/run/netns'.split()) for shim in experiment.dif_ordering: if not isinstance(shim, mod.ShimEthDIF): # Nothing to do here continue cmd = "" if self.use_ovs: cmd += 'sudo ovs-vsctl add-br %(shim)s' else: cmd += 'sudo ip link add %(shim)s type bridge' cmd = cmd % {'shim': shim.name} self.active_bridges.add(shim.name) subprocess.check_call(cmd.split()) if not self.use_ovs: cmd = 'sudo ip link set dev %(shim)s up' % {'shim': shim.name} subprocess.check_call(cmd.split()) for node in experiment.nodes: container = self.running_containers[node.name] container.reload() state = container.attrs["State"] while not state["Running"]: sleep(0.2) container.reload() state = container.attrs["State"] pid = state["Pid"] subprocess.check_call(('sudo ln -s /proc/%(pid)i/ns/net ' '/var/run/netns/%(pid)i' % {'pid': pid}).split()) for ipcp in node.ipcps: if isinstance(ipcp, mod.ShimEthIPCP): if ipcp.ifname is None: ipcp.ifname = "eth%i" % node.ipcps.index(ipcp) cmd = ('sudo ip link add %(node)s.%(ifname)s type veth ' 'peer name _%(node)s.%(ifname)s'\ % {'node': node.name, 'ifname': ipcp.ifname}) subprocess.check_call(cmd.split()) cmd = "" if self.use_ovs: cmd += ('sudo ovs-vsctl add-port %(dif)s %(node)s.%(' 'ifname)s') else: cmd += ('sudo ip link set %(node)s.%(ifname)s master ' '%(dif)s') cmd = (cmd % {'node': node.name, 'ifname': ipcp.ifname, 'dif': ipcp.dif.name}) subprocess.check_call(cmd.split()) cmd = ('sudo ip link set _%(node)s.%(ifname)s ' 'netns %(pid)i ' 'name %(ifname)s' % {'node': node.name, 'pid': pid, 'ifname': ipcp.ifname}) subprocess.check_call(cmd.split()) cmd = ('sudo ip link set dev %(node)s.%(ifname)s up' % {'node': node.name, 'ifname': ipcp.ifname}) subprocess.check_call(cmd.split()) cmd = ('sudo ip netns exec %(pid)i ip link set dev ' '%(ifname)s up' % {'pid': pid, 'ifname': ipcp.ifname}) subprocess.check_call(cmd.split()) self.active_ipcps.add(ipcp) logger.info("Experiment swapped in") def _swap_out(self, experiment): for name, container in self.running_containers.items(): container.remove(force=True) for shim in experiment.dif_ordering: if isinstance(shim, mod.ShimEthDIF) and shim.name in self.active_bridges: cmd = "" if self.use_ovs: cmd += 'sudo ovs-vsctl del-br %(shim)s' else: cmd += 'sudo ip link del %(shim)s' cmd = cmd % {'shim': shim.name} subprocess.check_call(cmd.split()) self.active_bridges.remove(shim.name) for name, container in self.running_containers.items(): pid = container.attrs["State"]["Pid"] cmd = 'sudo rm /var/run/netns/%(pid)i' % {'pid': pid} subprocess.check_call(cmd.split()) self.running_containers = {} logger.info("Experiment swapped out")