# # A library to manage ARCFIRE experiments # # Copyright (C) 2017 Nextworks S.r.l. # Copyright (C) 2017 imec # # Sander Vrijders # Dimitri Staessens # Vincenzo Maffione # Marco Capitani # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., http://www.fsf.org/about/contact/. # import os import paramiko import re import time import rumba.log as log # Fix input reordering from rumba.model import Executor try: import builtins # Only in Python 3 def input(prompt=''): log.flush_log() return builtins.input(prompt) except ImportError: # We are in Python 2 import __builtin__ def input(prompt=''): log.flush_log() return __builtin__.raw_input(prompt) logger = log.get_logger(__name__) class SSHException(Exception): pass def get_ssh_client(): ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh_client.load_system_host_keys() ssh_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) return ssh_client def _print_stream(stream): o = str(stream.read()).strip('b') o = o.strip('\'\"') o = o.rstrip() o = re.sub(r'(\\n)*$', '', o) if o != "": o_array = o.split('\\n') for oi in o_array: logger.debug(oi) else: o_array = [] return '\n'.join(o_array) def ssh_connect(hostname, port, username, password, time_out, proxy_server): logger.debug('Trying to open a connection towards node %s.' % hostname) retry = 0 max_retries = 10 while retry < max_retries: time.sleep(retry * 5) try: proxy_client = None if proxy_server is not None: proxy_client = get_ssh_client() # Assume port 22 for the proxy server for now proxy_client.connect(proxy_server, 22, username, password, look_for_keys=True, timeout=time_out) trans = proxy_client.get_transport() proxy = trans.open_channel('direct-tcpip', (hostname, port), ('', 0)) else: proxy = None ssh_client = get_ssh_client() ssh_client.connect(hostname, port, username, password, look_for_keys=True, timeout=time_out, sock=proxy) return ssh_client, proxy_client except paramiko.ssh_exception.BadHostKeyException: retry += 1 logger.error(hostname + ' has a mismatching entry in ' + '~/.ssh/known_hosts') logger.error('If you are sure this is not a man in the ' + 'middle attack, edit that file to remove the ' + 'entry and then hit return to try again.') input('Key mismatch detected. Press ENTER when ready.') except (paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException, EOFError): retry += 1 logger.error('Failed to connect to host, retrying: ' + str(retry) + '/' + str(max_retries) + ' retries') if retry == max_retries: raise SSHException('Failed to connect to host') def execute_proxy_commands(testbed, ssh_config, commands, time_out=3): """ Remote execution of a list of shell command on hostname, using the http and https proxy specified by the testbed. By default this function will exit (timeout) after 3 seconds. @param testbed: testbed info @param ssh_config: ssh config of the node @param commands: *nix shell command @param time_out: time_out value in seconds, error will be generated if no result received in given number of seconds, the value None can be used when no timeout is needed """ new_commands = [] for command in commands: proxy = testbed.http_proxy if proxy is not None: proxy_command = 'export http_proxy=' + proxy + '; ' \ + 'export https_proxy=' + proxy + ';' new_commands.append(proxy_command + ' ' + command) else: new_commands.append(command) return execute_commands(testbed, ssh_config, new_commands, time_out) def execute_proxy_command(testbed, ssh_config, command, time_out=3): """ Remote execution of a list of shell command on hostname, using a proxy http and https. By default this function will exit (timeout) after 3 seconds. @param testbed: testbed info @param ssh_config: ssh config of the node @param command: *nix shell command @param time_out: time_out value in seconds, error will be generated if no result received in given number of seconds, the value None can be used when no timeout is needed @return: stdout resulting from the command """ o = execute_proxy_commands(testbed, ssh_config, [command], time_out) if o is not None: return o def execute_commands(testbed, ssh_config, commands, time_out=3): """ Remote execution of a list of shell command on hostname. By default this function will exit (timeout) after 3 seconds. @param testbed: testbed info @param ssh_config: ssh config of the node @param commands: *nix shell command @param time_out: time_out value in seconds, error will be generated if no result received in given number of seconds, the value None can be used when no timeout is needed """ if ssh_config.client is None: client, proxy_client = ssh_connect(ssh_config.hostname, ssh_config.port, testbed.username, testbed.password, time_out, ssh_config.proxy_server) ssh_config.client = client ssh_config.proxy_client = proxy_client o = "" for command in commands: logger.debug("%s@%s:%s >> %s" % (testbed.username, ssh_config.hostname, ssh_config.port, command)) envars = '. /etc/profile;' command = envars + ' ' + command chan = ssh_config.client.get_transport().open_session() stdout = chan.makefile() stderr = chan.makefile_stderr() try: chan.exec_command(command) except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException as e: raise SSHException('Failed to execute command') o = _print_stream(stdout) if chan.recv_exit_status() != 0: # Get ready for printing stdout and stderr if o != "": list_print = ['**** STDOUT:'] list_print += o.split('\\n') else: list_print = [] e = _print_stream(stderr) if e != "": list_print.append('**** STDERR:') list_print += e.split('\\n') raise SSHException('A remote command returned an error. ' 'Output:\n\n\t' + '\n\t'.join(list_print) + '\n') return o def execute_command(testbed, ssh_config, command, time_out=3): """ Remote execution of a list of shell command on hostname. By default this function will exit (timeout) after 3 seconds. @param testbed: testbed info @param ssh_config: ssh config of the node @param command: *nix shell command @param time_out: time_out value in seconds, error will be generated if no result received in given number of seconds, the value None can be used when no timeout is needed @return: stdout resulting from the command """ o = execute_commands(testbed, ssh_config, [command], time_out) if o is not None: return o def write_text_to_file(testbed, ssh_config, text, file_name): """ Write a string to a given remote file. Overwrite the complete file if it already exists! @param testbed: testbed info @param ssh_config: ssh config of the node @param text: string to be written in file @param file_name: file name (including full path) on the host """ if ssh_config.client is None: client, proxy_client = ssh_connect(ssh_config.hostname, ssh_config.port, testbed.username, testbed.password, None, ssh_config.proxy_server) ssh_config.client = client ssh_config.proxy_client = proxy_client cmd = "touch " + file_name + "; chmod a+rwx " + file_name try: stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_config.client.exec_command(cmd) del stdin, stdout err = str(stderr.read()).strip('b\'\"\\n') if err != "": logger.error(err) sftp_client = ssh_config.client.open_sftp() remote_file = sftp_client.open(file_name, 'w') remote_file.write(text) remote_file.close() except SSHException as e: raise SSHException('Failed to write text to remote file') def copy_files_to_testbed(testbed, ssh_config, paths, destination): """ Copies local files to a remote node. @param testbed: testbed info @param ssh_config: ssh config of the node @param paths: source paths (local) as an iterable @param destination: destination folder name (remote) """ if destination is not '' and not destination.endswith('/'): destination = destination + '/' if ssh_config.client is None: client, proxy_client = ssh_connect(ssh_config.hostname, ssh_config.port, testbed.username, testbed.password, None, ssh_config.proxy_server) ssh_config.client = client ssh_config.proxy_client = proxy_client try: sftp_client = ssh_config.client.open_sftp() for path in paths: file_name = os.path.basename(path) dest_file = destination + file_name logger.debug("Copying %s to %s@%s:%s path %s" % ( path, testbed.username, ssh_config.hostname, ssh_config.port, dest_file)) sftp_client.put(path, dest_file) except Exception as e: raise SSHException('Failed to copy files to testbed') def copy_file_to_testbed(testbed, ssh_config, path, destination): """ Copies a local file to a remote node. @param testbed: testbed info @param ssh_config: ssh config of the node @param path: source path (local) @param destination: destination folder name (remote) """ copy_files_to_testbed(testbed, ssh_config, [path], destination) def copy_files_from_testbed(testbed, ssh_config, paths, destination, sudo=False): """ Copies local files to a remote node. @param testbed: testbed info @param ssh_config: ssh config of the node @param paths: source paths (remote) as an iterable @param destination: destination folder name (local) @param sudo: if path to copy requires root access, should be set to true """ if destination is not '' and not destination.endswith('/'): destination = destination + '/' if sudo: execute_command(testbed, ssh_config, 'sudo chmod a+rw %s' % (" ".join(paths))) if ssh_config.client is None: client, proxy_client = ssh_connect(ssh_config.hostname, ssh_config.port, testbed.username, testbed.password, None, ssh_config.proxy_server) ssh_config.client = client ssh_config.proxy_client = proxy_client try: sftp_client = ssh_config.client.open_sftp() for path in paths: file_name = os.path.basename(path) dest_file = destination + file_name logger.debug("Copying %s@%s:%s path %s to %s" % ( testbed.username, ssh_config.hostname, ssh_config.port, path, dest_file)) sftp_client.get(path, dest_file) except Exception as e: raise SSHException('Failed to copy files from testbed', e) def copy_file_from_testbed(testbed, ssh_config, path, destination, sudo=False): """ Copies a local file to a remote node. @param testbed: testbed info @param ssh_config: ssh config of the node @param path: source path (remote) @param destination: destination folder name (local) @param sudo: if path to copy requires root access, should be set to true """ copy_files_from_testbed(testbed, ssh_config, [path], destination, sudo) def setup_vlans(testbed, node, vlans): """ Gets the interface (ethx) to link mapping @param testbed: testbed info @param node: the node to create the VLAN on @param vlans: list of lists of VLAN id to interface """ if testbed.username == 'root': def sudo(s): return s else: def sudo(s): return "sudo sh -c '" + s + "'" cmds = [sudo("for file in $(ls -d /etc/udev/rules.d/*); do rm $file; " + "ln -s /dev/null $file; done")] for item in vlans: args = {'ifname': str(item[0]), 'vlan': str(item[1])} cmds += [sudo("ip link add link %(ifname)s name " "%(ifname)s.%(vlan)s type vlan id %(vlan)s" % args), sudo("ip link set dev %(ifname)s.%(vlan)s up" % args)] if testbed.flags['no_vlan_offload']: cmds += [sudo("ethtool -K %(ifname)s rxvlan off" % args), sudo("ethtool -K %(ifname)s txvlan off" % args)] logger.info('Setting up VLANs for node %s', node.name) execute_commands(testbed, node.ssh_config, cmds) def aptitude_install(testbed, node, packages): """ Installs packages through aptitude @param testbed: testbed info @param node: the node to install the packages on @param packages: list of packages """ if testbed.username == 'root': def sudo(s): return s else: def sudo(s): return 'sudo ' + s package_install = "apt-get install " for package in packages: package_install += package + " " package_install += "--yes" cmds = [sudo("sh -c 'while fuser /var/lib/dpkg/lock > /dev/null 2>&1; " + "do sleep 1; echo \"Waiting for dpkg...\"; done'"), "while ! " + sudo("apt-get update") + "; do sleep 1; done", "while ! " + sudo(package_install) + "; do sleep 1; done"] execute_proxy_commands(testbed, node.ssh_config, cmds, time_out=None)