# # A library to manage ARCFIRE experiments # # Copyright (C) 2017 Nextworks S.r.l. # Copyright (C) 2017 imec # # Sander Vrijders # Vincenzo Maffione # Marco Capitani # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., http://www.fsf.org/about/contact/. # import os import paramiko import time import rumba.log as log # Fix Python 2.x. try: input = raw_input except NameError: pass logger = log.get_logger(__name__) class SSHException(Exception): pass def get_ssh_client(): ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh_client.load_system_host_keys() ssh_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) return ssh_client def _print_stream(stream): o = str(stream.read()).strip('b\'\"\\n') if o != "": o_array = o.split('\\n') for oi in o_array: logger.debug(oi) return o.rstrip() def ssh_connect(hostname, port, username, password, time_out, proxy_server): retry = 0 max_retries = 10 while retry < max_retries: time.sleep(retry * 5) try: if proxy_server is not None: proxy_client = get_ssh_client() # Assume port 22 for the proxy server for now proxy_client.connect(proxy_server, 22, username, password, look_for_keys=True, timeout=time_out) trans = proxy_client.get_transport() proxy = trans.open_channel('direct-tcpip', (hostname, port), ('', 0)) else: proxy = None ssh_client = get_ssh_client() ssh_client.connect(hostname, port, username, password, look_for_keys=True, timeout=time_out, sock=proxy) return ssh_client except paramiko.ssh_exception.BadHostKeyException: retry += 1 logger.error(hostname + ' has a mismatching entry in ' + '~/.ssh/known_hosts') logger.error('If you are sure this is not a man in the ' + 'middle attack, edit that file to remove the ' + 'entry and then hit return to try again.') input() except (paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException, EOFError): retry += 1 logger.error('Failed to connect to host, retrying: ' + str(retry) + '/' + str(max_retries) + ' retries') if retry == max_retries: raise SSHException('Failed to connect to host') def execute_proxy_commands(testbed, ssh_config, commands, time_out=3): """ Remote execution of a list of shell command on hostname, using the http and https proxy specified by the testbed. By default this function will exit (timeout) after 3 seconds. @param testbed: testbed info @param ssh_config: ssh config of the node @param commands: *nix shell command @param time_out: time_out value in seconds, error will be generated if no result received in given number of seconds, the value None can be used when no timeout is needed """ new_commands = [] for command in commands: proxy = testbed.http_proxy if proxy is not None: proxy_command = 'export http_proxy=' + proxy + '; ' \ + 'export https_proxy=' + proxy + ';' new_commands.append(proxy_command + ' ' + command) else: new_commands.append(command) return execute_commands(testbed, ssh_config, new_commands, time_out) def execute_proxy_command(testbed, ssh_config, command, time_out=3): """ Remote execution of a list of shell command on hostname, using a proxy http and https. By default this function will exit (timeout) after 3 seconds. @param testbed: testbed info @param ssh_config: ssh config of the node @param command: *nix shell command @param time_out: time_out value in seconds, error will be generated if no result received in given number of seconds, the value None can be used when no timeout is needed @return: stdout resulting from the command """ o = execute_proxy_commands(testbed, ssh_config, [command], time_out) if o is not None: return o def execute_commands(testbed, ssh_config, commands, time_out=3): """ Remote execution of a list of shell command on hostname. By default this function will exit (timeout) after 3 seconds. @param testbed: testbed info @param ssh_config: ssh config of the node @param commands: *nix shell command @param time_out: time_out value in seconds, error will be generated if no result received in given number of seconds, the value None can be used when no timeout is needed """ ssh_client = ssh_connect(ssh_config.hostname, ssh_config.port, testbed.username, testbed.password, time_out, ssh_config.proxy_server) o = "" for command in commands: logger.debug("%s@%s:%s >> %s" % (testbed.username, ssh_config.hostname, ssh_config.port, command)) envars = '. /etc/profile;' command = envars + ' ' + command chan = ssh_client.get_transport().open_session() stdout = chan.makefile() try: chan.exec_command(command) except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException as e: raise SSHException('Failed to execute command') o = _print_stream(stdout) if (chan.recv_exit_status() != 0): raise SSHException('A remote command returned an error.\n' + o) ssh_client.close() return o def execute_command(testbed, ssh_config, command, time_out=3): """ Remote execution of a list of shell command on hostname. By default this function will exit (timeout) after 3 seconds. @param testbed: testbed info @param ssh_config: ssh config of the node @param command: *nix shell command @param time_out: time_out value in seconds, error will be generated if no result received in given number of seconds, the value None can be used when no timeout is needed @return: stdout resulting from the command """ o = execute_commands(testbed, ssh_config, [command], time_out) if o is not None: return o def write_text_to_file(testbed, ssh_config, text, file_name): """ Write a string to a given remote file. Overwrite the complete file if it already exists! @param testbed: testbed info @param ssh_config: ssh config of the node @param text: string to be written in file @param file_name: file name (including full path) on the host """ ssh_client = ssh_connect(ssh_config.hostname, ssh_config.port, testbed.username, testbed.password, None, ssh_config.proxy_server) cmd = "touch " + file_name + "; chmod a+rwx " + file_name try: stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command(cmd) del stdin, stdout err = str(stderr.read()).strip('b\'\"\\n') if err != "": logger.error(err) sftp_client = ssh_client.open_sftp() remote_file = sftp_client.open(file_name, 'w') remote_file.write(text) remote_file.close() except SSHException as e: raise SSHException('Failed to write text to remote file') def copy_files_to_testbed(testbed, ssh_config, paths, destination): """ Copies local files to a remote node. @param testbed: testbed info @param ssh_config: ssh config of the node @param paths: source paths (local) as an iterable @param destination: destination folder name (remote) """ if destination is not '' and not destination.endswith('/'): destination = destination + '/' ssh_client = ssh_connect(ssh_config.hostname, ssh_config.port, testbed.username, testbed.password, None, ssh_config.proxy_server) try: sftp_client = ssh_client.open_sftp() for path in paths: file_name = os.path.basename(path) dest_file = destination + file_name logger.debug("Copying %s to %s@%s:%s path %s" % ( path, testbed.username, ssh_config.hostname, ssh_config.port, dest_file)) sftp_client.put(path, dest_file) except Exception as e: raise SSHException('Failed to copy files to testbed') def copy_file_to_testbed(testbed, ssh_config, path, destination): """ Copies a local file to a remote node. @param testbed: testbed info @param ssh_config: ssh config of the node @param path: source path (local) @param destination: destination folder name (remote) """ copy_files_to_testbed(testbed, ssh_config, [path], destination) def setup_vlan(testbed, node, vlan_id, int_name): """ Gets the interface (ethx) to link mapping @param testbed: testbed info @param node: the node to create the VLAN on @param vlan_id: the VLAN id @param int_name: the name of the interface """ if testbed.username == 'root': def sudo(s): return s else: def sudo(s): return 'sudo ' + s logger.debug("Setting up VLAN on node %s, if %s.", node.name, int_name) args = {'ifname': str(int_name), 'vlan': str(vlan_id)} cmds = [sudo("ip link add link %(ifname)s name " "%(ifname)s.%(vlan)s type vlan id %(vlan)s" % args), sudo("ifconfig %(ifname)s.%(vlan)s up" % args)] if testbed.flags['no_vlan_offload']: cmds += [sudo("ethtool -K %(ifname)s rxvlan off" % args), sudo("ethtool -K %(ifname)s txvlan off" % args)] execute_commands(testbed, node.ssh_config, cmds)