# # A library to manage ARCFIRE experiments # # Copyright (C) 2017 Nextworks S.r.l. # Copyright (C) 2017 imec # # Sander Vrijders # Dimitri Staessens # Vincenzo Maffione # Marco Capitani # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., http://www.fsf.org/about/contact/. # # Environment setup for VMs. Standard linux approach env_dict = {'installpath': '/usr', 'varpath': ''} # Template for a IPCM configuration file def get_ipcmconf_base(): return { "configFileVersion": "1.4.1", "localConfiguration": { "installationPath": "%(installpath)s/bin" % env_dict, "libraryPath": "%(installpath)s/lib" % env_dict, "logPath": "%(varpath)s/var/log" % env_dict, "consoleSocket": "%(varpath)s/var/run/ipcm-console.sock" % env_dict, "pluginsPaths": [ "%(installpath)s/lib/rinad/ipcp" % env_dict, "/lib/modules/4.9.28-irati/extra" ] }, "ipcProcessesToCreate": [], "difConfigurations": [], } da_map_base = { "applicationToDIFMappings": [ { "encodedAppName": "rina.apps.echotime.server-1--", "difName": "n.DIF" }, { "encodedAppName": "traffic.generator.server-1--", "difName": "n.DIF" } ], } def generate_qos_cube( name, cube_id, initial_credit=200, ordered=False, delay=None, loss=None, reliable=False, data_rxms_nmax=5, initial_rtx_time=1000 ): cube = { "name": name, "id": cube_id, "partialDelivery": False, "orderedDelivery": ordered, "efcpPolicies": { "dtpPolicySet": { "name": "default", "version": "0" }, "initialATimer": 0, "dtcpPresent": True, "dtcpConfiguration": { "dtcpPolicySet": { "name": "default", "version": "0" }, "rtxControl": False, "flowControl": True, "flowControlConfig": { "rateBased": False, "windowBased": True, "windowBasedConfig": { "maxClosedWindowQueueLength": 10, "initialCredit": initial_credit } } } } } if delay is not None: cube["delay"] = delay if loss is not None: cube["loss"] = loss if reliable: cube["maxAllowableGap"] = 0 cube["efcpPolicies"]["dtcpConfiguration"]["rtxControl"] = True cube["efcpPolicies"]["dtcpConfiguration"]["rtxControlConfig"] = { "dataRxmsNmax": data_rxms_nmax, "initialRtxTime": initial_rtx_time } return cube qos_cube_u_base = { "name": "unreliablewithflowcontrol", "id": 1, "partialDelivery": False, "orderedDelivery": True, "efcpPolicies": { "dtpPolicySet": { "name": "default", "version": "0" }, "initialATimer": 0, "dtcpPresent": True, "dtcpConfiguration": { "dtcpPolicySet": { "name": "default", "version": "0" }, "rtxControl": False, "flowControl": True, "flowControlConfig": { "rateBased": False, "windowBased": True, "windowBasedConfig": { "maxClosedWindowQueueLength": 10, "initialCredit": 200 } } } } } qos_cube_r_base = { "name": "reliablewithflowcontrol", "id": 2, "partialDelivery": False, "orderedDelivery": True, "maxAllowableGap": 0, "efcpPolicies": { "dtpPolicySet": { "name": "default", "version": "0" }, "initialATimer": 0, "dtcpPresent": True, "dtcpConfiguration": { "dtcpPolicySet": { "name": "default", "version": "0" }, "rtxControl": True, "rtxControlConfig": { "dataRxmsNmax": 5, "initialRtxTime": 1000 }, "flowControl": True, "flowControlConfig": { "rateBased": False, "windowBased": True, "windowBasedConfig": { "maxClosedWindowQueueLength": 10, "initialCredit": 200 } } } } } # Template for a normal DIF configuration file normal_dif_base = { "difType": "normal-ipc", "dataTransferConstants": { "addressLength": 2, "cepIdLength": 2, "lengthLength": 2, "portIdLength": 2, "qosIdLength": 2, "rateLength": 4, "frameLength": 4, "sequenceNumberLength": 4, "ctrlSequenceNumberLength": 4, "maxPduSize": 10000, "maxPduLifetime": 60000 }, "qosCubes": [ qos_cube_u_base, qos_cube_r_base ], "knownIPCProcessAddresses": [], "addressPrefixes": [ { "addressPrefix": 0, "organization": "N.Bourbaki" }, { "addressPrefix": 16, "organization": "IRATI" } ], "rmtConfiguration": { "pffConfiguration": { "policySet": { "name": "default", "version": "0" } }, "policySet": { "name": "default", "version": "1" } }, "enrollmentTaskConfiguration": { "policySet": { "name": "default", "version": "1", "parameters": [ { "name": "enrollTimeoutInMs", "value": "10000" }, { "name": "watchdogPeriodInMs", "value": "30000" }, { "name": "declaredDeadIntervalInMs", "value": "120000" }, { "name": "neighborsEnrollerPeriodInMs", "value": "0" }, { "name": "maxEnrollmentRetries", "value": "0" } ] } }, "flowAllocatorConfiguration": { "policySet": { "name": "default", "version": "1" } }, "namespaceManagerConfiguration": { "policySet": { "name": "default", "version": "1" } }, "securityManagerConfiguration": { "policySet": { "name": "default", "version": "1" } }, "resourceAllocatorConfiguration": { "pduftgConfiguration": { "policySet": { "name": "default", "version": "0" } } }, "routingConfiguration": { "policySet": { "name": "link-state", "version": "1", "parameters": [ { "name": "objectMaximumAge", "value": "10000" }, { "name": "waitUntilReadCDAP", "value": "5001" }, { "name": "waitUntilError", "value": "5001" }, { "name": "waitUntilPDUFTComputation", "value": "103" }, { "name": "waitUntilFSODBPropagation", "value": "101" }, { "name": "waitUntilAgeIncrement", "value": "997" }, { "name": "routingAlgorithm", "value": "Dijkstra" } ] } } } def ps_set(d, k, v, parms): if k not in d: d[k] = {'name': '', 'version': '1'} if d[k]["name"] == v and "parameters" in d[k]: cur_names = [p["name"] for p in d[k]["parameters"]] for p in parms: name, value = p if name in cur_names: for i in range(len(d[k]["parameters"])): if d[k]["parameters"][i]["name"] == name: d[k]["parameters"][i]["value"] = value break else: d[k]["parameters"].append({'name': name, 'value': value}) elif len(parms) > 0: d[k]["parameters"] = [ {'name': p[0], 'value': p[1]} for p in parms] d[k]["name"] = v def dtp_ps_set(d, v, parms): for i in range(len(d["qosCubes"])): ps_set(d["qosCubes"][i]["efcpPolicies"], "dtpPolicySet", v, parms) def dtcp_ps_set(d, v, parms): for i in range(len(d["qosCubes"])): ps_set(d["qosCubes"][i]["efcpPolicies"]["dtcpConfiguration"], "dtcpPolicySet", v, parms) policy_translator = { 'rmt.pff': lambda d, v, p: ps_set(d["rmtConfiguration"]["pffConfiguration"], "policySet", v, p), 'rmt': lambda d, v, p: ps_set(d["rmtConfiguration"], "policySet", v, p), 'enrollment-task': lambda d, v, p: ps_set(d["enrollmentTaskConfiguration"], "policySet", v, p), 'flow-allocator': lambda d, v, p: ps_set(d["flowAllocatorConfiguration"], "policySet", v, p), 'namespace-manager': lambda d, v, p: ps_set( d["namespaceManagerConfiguration"], "policySet", v, p), 'security-manager': lambda d, v, p: ps_set( d["securityManagerConfiguration"], "policySet", v, p), 'routing': lambda d, v, p: ps_set( d["routingConfiguration"], "policySet", v, p), 'resource-allocator.pduftg': lambda d, v, p: ps_set( d["resourceAllocatorConfiguration"], "policySet", v, p), 'efcp.*.dtcp': None, 'efcp.*.dtp': None, } def is_security_path(path): sp = path.split('.') return (len(sp) == 3) and (sp[0] == 'security-manager') \ and (sp[1] in ['auth', 'encrypt', 'ttl', 'errorcheck']) # Do we know this path ? def policy_path_valid(path): if path in policy_translator: return True # Try to validate security configuration if is_security_path(path): return True return False def translate_security_path(d, path, ps, parms): u1, component, profile = path.split('.') if "authSDUProtProfiles" not in d["securityManagerConfiguration"]: d["securityManagerConfiguration"]["authSDUProtProfiles"] = {} d = d["securityManagerConfiguration"]["authSDUProtProfiles"] tr = {'auth': 'authPolicy', 'encrypt': 'encryptPolicy', 'ttl': 'TTLPolicy', 'errorcheck': 'ErrorCheckPolicy'} if profile == 'default': if profile not in d: d["default"] = {} ps_set(d["default"], tr[component], ps, parms) else: # profile is the name of a DIF if "specific" not in d: d["specific"] = [] j = -1 for i in range(len(d["specific"])): if d["specific"][i]["underlyingDIF"] == profile + ".DIF": j = i break if j == -1: # We need to create an entry for the new DIF d["specific"].append({"underlyingDIF": profile + ".DIF"}) ps_set(d["specific"][j], tr[component], ps, parms) def translate_policy(difconf, path, ps, parms): if path == 'efcp.*.dtcp': dtcp_ps_set(difconf, ps, parms) elif path == 'efcp.*.dtp': dtp_ps_set(difconf, ps, parms) elif is_security_path(path): translate_security_path(difconf, path, ps, parms) else: policy_translator[path](difconf, ps, parms)