# # A library to manage ARCFIRE experiments # # Copyright (C) 2017 Nextworks S.r.l. # Copyright (C) 2017 imec # # Sander Vrijders # Dimitri Staessens # Vincenzo Maffione # Marco Capitani # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., http://www.fsf.org/about/contact/. # import copy import json import os import time import rumba.ssh_support as ssh import rumba.model as mod import rumba.multiprocess as m_processing import rumba.prototypes.irati_templates as irati_templates import rumba.log as log logger = log.get_logger(__name__) # An experiment over the IRATI implementation class Experiment(mod.Experiment): @staticmethod def make_executor(node, packages, testbed): def executor(commands): ssh.aptitude_install(testbed, node, packages) node.execute_commands(commands, time_out=None, use_proxy=True) return executor def prototype_name(self): return 'irati' @staticmethod def real_sudo(s): return 'sudo ' + s @staticmethod def fake_sudo(s): return s def __init__(self, testbed, nodes=None, git_repo='https://github.com/IRATI/stack', git_branch='arcfire', installpath=None, varpath=None): mod.Experiment.__init__(self, testbed, nodes, git_repo, git_branch, prototype_logs=['/tmp/ipcmstart.log']) if installpath is None: installpath = '/usr' if varpath is None: varpath = '' irati_templates.env_dict['installpath'] = installpath irati_templates.env_dict['varpath'] = varpath self.manager = False self.conf_files = None self.shim2vlan = {} if self.testbed.username == 'root': self.sudo = self.fake_sudo else: self.sudo = self.real_sudo self._conf_dir = os.path.join(mod.tmp_dir, 'IRATI_conf') try: os.mkdir(self._conf_dir) except OSError: # Already there, nothing to do pass def conf_dir(self, path): return os.path.join(self._conf_dir, path) def install(self): """Installs IRATI on the nodes.""" packages = ["g++", "gcc", "libtool", "linux-headers-$(uname -r)", "autoconf", "automake", "protobuf-compiler", "libprotobuf-dev", "git", "pkg-config", "libssl-dev"] cmds = [self.sudo("rm -rf ~/stack"), "cd ~; git clone -b " + self.git_branch + " " + self.git_repo, "cd ~/stack && " + self.sudo("./configure && ") + self.sudo("make install")] names = [] executors = [] args = [] for node in self.nodes: executor = self.make_executor(node, packages, self.testbed) names.append(node.name) executors.append(executor) args.append(cmds) m_processing.call_in_parallel(names, args, executors) def bootstrap_network(self): """Creates the network by enrolling and configuring the nodes""" for node in self.nodes: self.process_node(node) self.enroll_nodes() def _install_prototype(self): logger.info("installing IRATI on all the nodes") self.install() logger.info("installation complete") def _bootstrap_prototype(self): logger.info("setting up") self.conf_files = self.write_conf() logger.info("configuration files generated for all nodes") self.bootstrap_network() logger.info("IPCPs created and enrolled on all nodes") def process_node(self, node): """ Installs the configuration and boots up rina on a node :type node: mod.Node :param node: :return: """ name = node.name vlans = [] for ipcp in node.ipcps: if isinstance(ipcp, mod.ShimEthIPCP): vlans.append([ipcp.ifname, self.shim2vlan[ipcp.dif.name]]) if vlans: ssh.setup_vlans(self.testbed, node, vlans) gen_files_conf = self.conf_files[node] + ['da.map'] dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) gen_files_bin = 'enroll.py' gen_files_conf_full = [self.conf_dir(x) for x in gen_files_conf] gen_files_bin_full = [os.path.join(dir_path, 'enroll.py')] ipcm_components = ['scripting', 'console'] if self.manager: ipcm_components.append('mad') ipcm_components = ', '.join(ipcm_components) gen_files = gen_files_conf_full + gen_files_bin_full format_args = {'name': name, 'ssh': node.ssh_config.port, 'username': self.testbed.username, 'genfiles': gen_files, 'genfilesconf': ' '.join(gen_files_conf), 'genfilesbin': gen_files_bin, 'verb': 'DBG', 'ipcmcomps': ipcm_components} logger.info('Copying configuration files to node %s', node.name) ssh.copy_files_to_testbed(self.testbed, node.ssh_config, gen_files, '') cmds = [self.sudo('hostname %(name)s' % format_args), self.sudo('modprobe rina-irati-core'), self.sudo('chmod a+rw /dev/irati'), # The || true should be removed soon, but it's needed # until we update the bitbucket repo. self.sudo('chmod a+rw /dev/irati-ctrl || true'), self.sudo('mv %(genfilesconf)s /etc' % format_args), self.sudo('mv %(genfilesbin)s /usr/bin') % format_args, self.sudo('chmod a+x /usr/bin/enroll.py') % format_args] cmds += [self.sudo('modprobe rina-default-plugin'), self.sudo('modprobe shim-eth-vlan'), self.sudo('modprobe normal-ipcp'), self.sudo('ipcm -a \"%(ipcmcomps)s\" ' '-c /etc/%(name)s.ipcm.conf -l %(verb)s &> /tmp/ipcmstart.log &' % format_args)] logger.info('Sending setup commands to node %s.', node.name) ssh.execute_commands(self.testbed, node.ssh_config, cmds) def enroll_nodes(self): """Runs the enrollments one by one, respecting dependencies""" logger.info("Starting enrollment phase.") time.sleep(5) for enrollment_list in self.enrollments: for e in enrollment_list: logger.info( 'Enrolling %s to DIF %s against neighbor %s,' ' through lower DIF %s.', e['enrollee'].name, e['dif'].name, e['enroller'].name, e['lower_dif'].name) time.sleep(1) # Important! e_args = {'ldif': self.dif_name(e['lower_dif']), 'dif': e['dif'].name, 'nname': e['enrollee'].node.name, 'iname': e['enrollee'].name, 'o_iname': e['enroller'].name} cmd = self.sudo('enroll.py --lower-dif %(ldif)s --dif %(dif)s ' '--ipcm-conf /etc/%(nname)s.ipcm.conf ' '--enrollee-name %(iname)s.IPCP ' '--enroller-name %(o_iname)s.IPCP' % e_args) ssh.execute_command(self.testbed, e['enrollee'].node.ssh_config, cmd) def dif_name(self, dif): try: return str(self.shim2vlan[dif.name]) except KeyError: return dif.name def write_conf(self): """Write the configuration files""" # Constants and initializations ipcmconfs = dict() difconfs = dict() ipcp2shim_map = {} node2id_map = {} mgmt_dif_name = 'NMS' conf_files = {} # dict of per-nod conf files # Translating Shim Eth difs to vlan tags. next_vlan = 10 for dif in self.dif_ordering: if isinstance(dif, mod.ShimEthDIF): try: vlan = int(dif.name) self.shim2vlan[dif.name] = vlan except ValueError: vlan = next_vlan next_vlan += 10 self.shim2vlan[dif.name] = vlan # If some app directives were specified, use those to build da.map. # Otherwise, assume the standard applications are to be mapped in # the DIF with the highest rank. app_mappings = [] if len(app_mappings) == 0: if len(self.dif_ordering) > 0: for adm in \ irati_templates.da_map_base["applicationToDIFMappings"]: adm["difName"] = "%s" % (self.dif_ordering[-1],) else: irati_templates.da_map_base["applicationToDIFMappings"] = [] for apm in app_mappings: irati_templates.da_map_base["applicationToDIFMappings"]\ .append({"encodedAppName": apm['name'], "difName": "%s" % (apm['dif']) }) if self.manager: # Add MAD/Manager configuration irati_templates.get_ipcmconf_base()["addons"] = { "mad": { "managerAppName": "", "NMSDIFs": [{"DIF": "%s" % mgmt_dif_name}], "managerConnections": [{ "managerAppName": "manager-1--", "DIF": "%s" % mgmt_dif_name }] } } node_number = 1 for node in self.nodes: # type: mod.Node node2id_map[node.name] = node_number node_number += 1 ipcmconfs[node.name] = copy.deepcopy(irati_templates.get_ipcmconf_base()) if self.manager: ipcmconfs[node.name]["addons"]["mad"]["managerAppName"] \ = "%s.mad-1--" % (node.name,) for dif in self.dif_ordering: # type: mod.DIF if isinstance(dif, mod.ShimEthDIF): ipcp2shim_map.update({ipcp.name: dif for ipcp in dif.ipcps}) elif isinstance(dif, mod.NormalDIF): difconfs[dif.name] = dict() for node in dif.members: difconfs[dif.name][node.name] = copy.deepcopy( irati_templates.normal_dif_base ) for node in self.nodes: # type: mod.Node ipcmconf = ipcmconfs[node.name] for ipcp in node.ipcps: # type: mod.ShimEthIPCP if isinstance(ipcp, mod.ShimEthIPCP): shim = ipcp2shim_map[ipcp.name] # type: mod.ShimEthDIF shim_name = self.dif_name(shim) ipcmconf["ipcProcessesToCreate"].append({ "apName": "eth.%s.IPCP" % ipcp.name, "apInstance": "1", "difName": shim_name }) template_file_name = self.conf_dir( 'shimeth.%s.%s.dif' % (node.name, shim_name)) ipcmconf["difConfigurations"].append({ "name": shim_name, "template": os.path.basename(template_file_name) }) fout = open(template_file_name, 'w') fout.write(json.dumps( {"difType": "shim-eth-vlan", "configParameters": { "interface-name": ipcp.ifname } }, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) fout.close() conf_files.setdefault(node, []).append( 'shimeth.%s.%s.dif' % (node.name, shim_name)) # Run over dif_ordering array, to make sure each IPCM config has # the correct ordering for the ipcProcessesToCreate list of operations. # If we iterated over the difs map, the order would be randomic, and so # some IPCP registrations in lower DIFs may fail. # This would happen because at the moment of registration, # it may be that the IPCP of the lower DIF has not been created yet. shims = ipcp2shim_map.values() for dif in self.dif_ordering: # type: mod.NormalDIF if dif in shims: # Shims are managed separately, in the previous loop continue for node in dif.members: # type: mod.Node node_name = node.name ipcmconf = ipcmconfs[node_name] normal_ipcp = {"apName": "%s.%s.IPCP" % (dif.name, node_name), "apInstance": "1", "difName": "%s" % (dif.name,), "difsToRegisterAt": []} for lower_dif in node.dif_registrations[dif]: # type: mod.DIF normal_ipcp["difsToRegisterAt"].append( self.dif_name(lower_dif)) ipcmconf["ipcProcessesToCreate"].append(normal_ipcp) ipcmconf["difConfigurations"].append({ "name": "%s" % (dif.name,), "template": "normal.%s.%s.dif" % (node_name, dif.name,) }) # Fill in the map of IPCP addresses. # This could be moved at difconfs for other_node in dif.members: # type: mod.Node difconfs[dif.name][other_node.name] \ ["knownIPCProcessAddresses"].append({ "apName": "%s.%s.IPCP" % (dif.name, node_name), "apInstance": "1", "address": 16 + node2id_map[node_name]}) policy_dict = node.get_policy(dif).get_policies() for component in policy_dict: for policy_name in policy_dict[component]: params = policy_dict[component][policy_name].items() irati_templates.translate_policy( difconfs[dif.name][node_name], component, policy_name, params ) # Dump the DIF Allocator map with open(self.conf_dir('da.map'), 'w') as da_map_file: json.dump(irati_templates.da_map_base, da_map_file, indent=4, sort_keys=True) for node in self.nodes: # Dump the IPCM configuration files with open(self.conf_dir('%s.ipcm.conf' % (node.name,)), 'w') as node_file: json.dump(ipcmconfs[node.name], node_file, indent=4, sort_keys=True) conf_files.setdefault(node, []).append( '%s.ipcm.conf' % (node.name,)) for dif in self.dif_ordering: # type: mod.DIF dif_conf = difconfs.get(dif.name, None) if dif_conf: # Dump the normal DIF configuration files for node in dif.members: with open(self.conf_dir('normal.%s.%s.dif' % (node.name, dif.name)), 'w') \ as dif_conf_file: json.dump(dif_conf[node.name], dif_conf_file, indent=4, sort_keys=True) conf_files.setdefault(node, []).append( 'normal.%s.%s.dif' % (node.name, dif.name)) return conf_files