Running Rumba interactively ***************************** As Rumba is a Python framework, it is possible to run experiments interactively. In order to do so, simply run Python in a terminal and import the script. An example is given below. First start by creating a new Python file ( wherein the Recursive Network is defined, the testbed and the experiment. In the example, let's have 2 nodes with an Ethernet layer between them and run that on the jFed testbed with a custom install of the Ouroboros prototype. :: #!/usr/bin/env python from rumba.model import * import rumba.testbeds.jfed as jfed import rumba.prototypes.ouroboros as our e1 = ShimEthDIF("e1") a = Node("a", difs = [e1]) b = Node("b", difs = [e1]) tb = jfed.Testbed(exp_name = "test", cert_file = "/location/of/cert.pem", username = "username") exp = our.Experiment(tb, nodes = [a, b], git_repo='/location/of/custom/ouroboros/git/repo') Now that we have the Python file with our experiment defined, we can run it interactively. :: [user@computer ~]$ python Python 3.7.2 (default, Dec 29 2018, 21:15:15) [GCC 8.2.1 20181127] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> from file import * Once the experiment is loaded, it is possible to execute functions. :: >>> exp.swap_in() >>> exp.install_prototype() >>> exp.bootstrap_prototype() >>> exp.terminate_prototype() >>> exp.swap_out() A common use case would be to install the prototype, bootstrap it, debug the experiment, terminate the prototype, install it again, ...