# pyOuroboros > a Python API for the Ouroboros recursive network prototype ## Dependencies pyOuroboros requires Ouroboros to be installed ## Installation To build and install PyOuroboros: ```shell ./setup.py install ``` ## Basic Usage ```Python from ouroboros.dev import * ``` Server side: Accepting a flow: ```Python f = flow_accept() ``` returns a new allocated flow object. Client side: Allocating a flow to a certain _name_: ```Python f = flow_alloc("name") ``` returns a new allocated Flow object. Broadcast: ```Python f = flow_join("name") ``` returns a new allocated Flow object. Deallocation: ```Python f.dealloc() ``` deallocates the flow. After this call, the Flow object is not readable or writeable anymore. ```Python() f.alloc("name") ``` will allocate a new flow for an existing Flow object. To read / write from a flow: ```Python f.read(count) # read up to _count_ bytes and return bytes f.readline(count) # read up to _count_ characters as a string f.write(buf, count) # write up to _count_ bytes from buffer f.writeline(str, count) # write up to _count_ characters from string ``` ## Quality of Service (QoS) The QoS spec details have not been finalized in Ouroboros. It is just here to give a general idea and to control some basics of the flow. You can specify a QoSSpec for flow allocation. For instance, ```Python qos = QoSSpec(loss=0, cypher_s=256) f = flow_alloc("name", qos) ``` will create a new flow with FRCP retransmission enabled and encrypted using a 256-bit ECDHE-AES-SHA3 cypher. ## Manipulating flows A number of methods are available for how to interact with Flow ```Python f.set_snd_timeout(0.5) # set timeout for blocking write f.set_rcv_timeout(1.0) # set timeout for blocking read f.get_snd_timeout() # get timeout for blocking write f.get_rcv_timeout() # get timeout for blocking read f.get_qos() # get the QoSSpec for this flow f.get_rx_queue_len() # get the number of packets in the rx buffer f.get_tx_queue_len() # get the number of packets in the tx buffer f.set_flags(flags) # set a number of flags for this flow f.get_flags() # get the flags for this flow ``` The flags are specified as an enum FlowProperties: ```Python class FlowProperties(IntFlag): ReadOnly WriteOnly ReadWrite Down NonBlockingRead NonBlockingWrite NonBlocking NoPartialRead NoPartialWrite ``` See the Ouroboros fccntl documentation for more details. ```shell man fccntl ``` ## Event API Multiple flows can be monitored for activity in parallel using a FlowSet and FEventQueue objects. FlowSets allow grouping a bunch of Flow objects together to listen for activity. It can be constructed with an optional list of Flows, or flows can be added or removed using the following methods: ```Python set = FlowSet() # create a flow set, set.add(f) # add a Flow 'f' to this set set.remove(f) # remove a Flow 'f' from this set set.zero() # remove all Flows in this set ``` An FEventQueue stores pending events on flows. The event types are defined as follows: ```Python class FEventType(IntFlag): FlowPkt = 1 FlowDown = 2 FlowUp = 4 FlowAlloc = 8 FlowDealloc = 16 ``` and can be obtained by calling the next method: ```Python f, t = fq.next() # Return active flow 'f' and type of event 't' ``` An FEventQueue is populated from a FlowSet. ```Python fq = FEventQueue() # Create an eventqueue set = FlowSet([f1, f2, f3]) # Create a new set with a couple of Flow objects set.wait(fq, timeo=1.0) # Wait for 1 second or until event while f, t = fq.next(): if t == FEventType.FlowPkt: msg = f.readline() ... ``` ## Examples Example code is in the examples folder. ## License pyOuorboros is LGPLv2.1. The examples are 3-clause BSD.