/* * Ouroboros - Copyright (C) 2016 * * Shared memory map for data units * * Dimitri Staessens * Sander Vrijders * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #ifndef SHM_DU_MAP_C #define SHM_DU_MAP_C #include #include #include #include #include #include #define SHM_DU_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE (SHM_DU_BUFF_BLOCK_SIZE - \ sizeof(struct shm_block)) #define SHM_BLOCKS_IN_MAP (SHM_DU_MAP_SIZE / SHM_DU_BUFF_BLOCK_SIZE) #define SHM_BLOCKS_SIZE (SHM_DU_BUFF_BLOCK_SIZE * SHM_BLOCKS_IN_MAP) #define SHM_BUFFS_SIZE (SHM_BLOCKS_IN_MAP * sizeof (struct shm_du_buff)) #define SHM_FILE_SIZE (SHM_BLOCKS_IN_MAP * (SHM_DU_BUFF_BLOCK_SIZE \ + sizeof(struct shm_du_buff) \ + sizeof(uint8_t)) \ + 2 * sizeof (size_t) \ + sizeof(pthread_mutex_t)) #define idx_to_block_ptr(dum, i) ((struct shm_block *) \ (dum->shm_base + i * SHM_DU_BUFF_BLOCK_SIZE)) #define idx_to_du_buff_ptr(dum, i) (dum->ptr_du_buff + i) #define du_buff_ptr_to_idx(dum, sdb) ((sdb - dum->ptr_du_buff) / sizeof *sdb) #define block_ptr_to_idx(dum, sdb) (((uint8_t *)sdb - dum->shm_base) \ / SHM_DU_BUFF_BLOCK_SIZE) #define shm_map_used(dum) ((*(dum->ptr_head) + SHM_BLOCKS_IN_MAP - \ *(dum->ptr_tail)) % SHM_BLOCKS_IN_MAP) #define shm_map_free(dum, i)(shm_map_used(dum) + i < SHM_BLOCKS_IN_MAP) struct shm_block { size_t size; long next; long prev; }; struct shm_du_buff { size_t size; size_t du_head; size_t du_tail; }; struct shm_du_map { uint8_t * shm_base; /* start of blocks */ struct shm_du_buff * ptr_du_buff; /* start of du_buff structs */ size_t * ptr_head; /* start of ringbuffer head */ size_t * ptr_tail; /* start of ringbuffer tail */ pthread_mutex_t * shm_mutex; /* lock all free space in shm */ int fd; }; struct shm_du_map * shm_du_map_create() { struct shm_du_map * dum; int shm_fd; uint8_t * shm_base; pthread_mutexattr_t attr; dum = malloc(sizeof *dum); if (dum == NULL) { LOG_ERR("Could not allocate struct."); return NULL; } shm_fd = shm_open(SHM_DU_MAP_FILENAME, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_RDWR, 0666); if (shm_fd == -1) { LOG_ERR("Failed creating shared memory map."); free(dum); return NULL; } if (lseek (shm_fd,SHM_FILE_SIZE - 1, SEEK_SET) < 0) { LOG_ERR("Failed to extend shared memory map."); free(dum); return NULL; } if (write (shm_fd, "", 1) != 1) { LOG_ERR("Failed to finalise extension of shared memory map."); free(dum); return NULL; } shm_base = mmap(NULL, SHM_FILE_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, shm_fd, 0); if (shm_base == MAP_FAILED) { LOG_ERR("Failed to map shared memory."); if (close(shm_fd) == -1) LOG_ERR("Failed to close invalid shm."); if (shm_unlink(SHM_DU_MAP_FILENAME) == -1) LOG_ERR("Failed to remove invalid shm."); free(dum); return NULL; } #ifdef CONFIG_OUROBOROS_DEBUG memset(shm_base, 0, SHM_FILE_SIZE); #endif dum->shm_base = shm_base; dum->ptr_du_buff = (struct shm_du_buff *) ((uint8_t *) dum->shm_base + SHM_BLOCKS_SIZE); dum->ptr_head = (size_t *) ((uint8_t *) dum->ptr_du_buff + SHM_BUFFS_SIZE); dum->ptr_tail = (size_t *) ((uint8_t *) dum->ptr_head + sizeof(size_t)); dum->shm_mutex = (pthread_mutex_t *) ((uint8_t *) dum->ptr_tail + sizeof(size_t)); pthread_mutexattr_init(&attr); pthread_mutexattr_setpshared(&attr, PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED); pthread_mutex_init(dum->shm_mutex, &attr); *dum->ptr_head = 0; *dum->ptr_tail = 0; dum->fd = shm_fd; return dum; } struct shm_du_map * shm_du_map_open() { struct shm_du_map * dum; int shm_fd; uint8_t * shm_base; shm_fd = shm_open(SHM_DU_MAP_FILENAME, O_RDWR, 0666); if (shm_fd == -1) { LOG_ERR("Failed opening shared memory for du_buff."); return NULL; } shm_base = mmap(NULL, SHM_FILE_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, shm_fd, 0); if (shm_base == MAP_FAILED) { LOG_ERR("Failed to map shared memory."); if (close(shm_fd) == -1) LOG_ERR("Failed to close invalid shm."); if (shm_unlink(SHM_DU_MAP_FILENAME) == -1) LOG_ERR("Failed to unlink invalid shm."); return NULL; } dum = malloc(sizeof *dum); if (dum == NULL) { LOG_ERR("Could not allocate struct."); return NULL; } dum->shm_base = shm_base; dum->ptr_du_buff = (struct shm_du_buff *) ((uint8_t *) dum->shm_base + SHM_BLOCKS_SIZE); dum->ptr_head = (size_t *) ((uint8_t *) dum->ptr_du_buff + SHM_BUFFS_SIZE); dum->ptr_tail = (size_t *) ((uint8_t *) dum->ptr_head + sizeof(size_t)); dum->shm_mutex = (pthread_mutex_t *) ((uint8_t *) dum->ptr_tail + sizeof(size_t)); return dum; } void shm_du_map_close(struct shm_du_map * dum) { if (dum == NULL) { LOG_DBGF("Bogus input. Bugging out."); return; } if (munmap(dum->shm_base, SHM_FILE_SIZE) == -1) LOG_DBGF("Couldn't unmap shared memory."); if (shm_unlink(SHM_DU_MAP_FILENAME) == -1) LOG_DBGF("Failed to unlink shm."); free(dum); } struct shm_du_buff * shm_create_du_buff(struct shm_du_map * dum, size_t size, size_t headspace, uint8_t * data, size_t len) { struct shm_du_buff * sdb; long prev_index = -1; size_t remaining = size; size_t ts = size - (headspace + len); uint8_t * read_pos = data; size_t blocks; if (dum == NULL || data == NULL) { LOG_DBGF("Bogus input, bugging out."); return NULL; } if (headspace >= size) { LOG_DBGF("Index out of bounds."); return NULL; } if (headspace + len > size) { LOG_DBGF("Buffer too small for data."); return NULL; } if (headspace > SHM_DU_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE || ts > SHM_DU_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE) { LOG_ERR("Illegal du_buff: Cannot fit PCI in DU_BUFF_BLOCK."); return NULL; } pthread_mutex_lock(dum->shm_mutex); blocks = size / SHM_DU_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE; if (size % SHM_DU_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE > 0) ++blocks; if (!shm_map_free(dum, blocks)) { pthread_mutex_unlock(dum->shm_mutex); LOG_DBGF("Allocation failed, Out of Memory."); return NULL; } sdb = dum->ptr_du_buff + *dum->ptr_head; sdb->size = size; sdb->du_head = headspace; sdb->du_tail = sdb->du_head + len; while (remaining > 0) { struct shm_block * shm_buf; long bytes_to_copy = len; uint8_t * write_pos; shm_buf = idx_to_block_ptr(dum, *(dum->ptr_head)); write_pos = (uint8_t *) shm_buf + sizeof *shm_buf; shm_buf->size = remaining < SHM_DU_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE ? remaining : SHM_DU_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE; bytes_to_copy = shm_buf->size; if (remaining <= SHM_DU_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE) bytes_to_copy -= ts; else if (remaining - ts <= SHM_DU_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE) shm_buf->size = remaining - ts; remaining -= shm_buf->size; if (prev_index == -1) { #ifdef CONFIG_OUROBOROS_DEBUG memset(write_pos, 0, sdb->du_head); #endif write_pos += sdb->du_head; bytes_to_copy -= sdb->du_head; } if (prev_index != -1) idx_to_block_ptr(dum, prev_index)->next = *(dum->ptr_head); if (len > 0) { memcpy(write_pos, read_pos, bytes_to_copy); } read_pos += bytes_to_copy; #ifdef CONFIG_OUROBOROS_DEBUG if (remaining == 0) { write_pos + = bytes_to_copy; memset(write_pos, 0, ts); } #endif shm_buf->next = -1; shm_buf->prev = prev_index; prev_index = *dum->ptr_head; *(dum->ptr_head) = (*dum->ptr_head + 1) % SHM_BLOCKS_IN_MAP; } pthread_mutex_unlock(dum->shm_mutex); return sdb; } int shm_release_du_buff(struct shm_du_map * dum) { int released = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(dum->shm_mutex); if (*dum->ptr_head == *dum->ptr_tail) { LOG_DBGF("Attempt to free empty ringbuffer. Nothing to do."); pthread_mutex_unlock(dum->shm_mutex); return -1; } while (idx_to_block_ptr(dum, *dum->ptr_tail)->next != -1) { *(dum->ptr_tail) = (*dum->ptr_tail + 1) % SHM_BLOCKS_IN_MAP; released++; } *(dum->ptr_tail) = (*dum->ptr_tail + 1) % SHM_BLOCKS_IN_MAP; pthread_mutex_unlock(dum->shm_mutex); return 0; } uint8_t * shm_du_buff_head_alloc(struct shm_du_map * dum, struct shm_du_buff * sdb, size_t size) { uint8_t * ret; if (sdb == NULL) { LOG_DBGF("Bogus input, bugging out."); return NULL; } if ((long) (sdb->du_head - size) < 0) { LOG_DBGF("Failed to allocate PCI headspace."); return NULL; } sdb->du_head -= size; ret = (uint8_t *) idx_to_block_ptr(dum, du_buff_ptr_to_idx(dum,sdb)); return ret + sizeof(struct shm_block) + sdb->du_head; } uint8_t * shm_du_buff_tail_alloc(struct shm_du_map * dum, struct shm_du_buff * sdb, size_t size) { uint8_t * ret; if (sdb == NULL) { LOG_DBGF("Bogus input, bugging out."); return NULL; } if (sdb->du_tail + size >= sdb->size) { LOG_DBGF("Failed to allocate PCI tailspace."); return NULL; } sdb->du_tail += size; ret = (uint8_t *) idx_to_block_ptr(dum, du_buff_ptr_to_idx(dum,sdb)); return ret + sizeof(struct shm_block) + sdb->du_tail; } int shm_du_buff_head_release(struct shm_du_buff * sdb, size_t size) { if (sdb == NULL) { LOG_DBGF("Bogus input, bugging out."); return -EINVAL; } if (size > sdb->du_tail - sdb->du_head) { LOG_DBGF("Tried to release beyond sdu boundary."); return -EOVERFLOW; } sdb->du_head += size; return sdb->du_head; } int shm_du_buff_tail_release(struct shm_du_buff * sdb, size_t size) { if (sdb == NULL) { LOG_DBGF("Bogus input, bugging out."); return -EINVAL; } if (size > sdb->du_tail - sdb->du_head) { LOG_DBGF("Tried to release beyond sdu boundary."); return -EOVERFLOW; } sdb->du_tail -= size; return sdb->du_tail; } #endif