/* * Ouroboros - Copyright (C) 2016 - 2018 * * Undirected graph structure * * Dimitri Staessens <dimitri.staessens@ugent.be> * Sander Vrijders <sander.vrijders@ugent.be> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., http://www.fsf.org/about/contact/. */ #if defined(__linux__) || defined(__CYGWIN__) #define _DEFAULT_SOURCE #else #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200112L #endif #define OUROBOROS_PREFIX "graph" #include <ouroboros/logs.h> #include <ouroboros/errno.h> #include <ouroboros/list.h> #include "graph.h" #include "ipcp.h" #include <assert.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <limits.h> #include <string.h> struct edge { struct list_head next; struct vertex * nb; qosspec_t qs; int announced; }; struct vertex { struct list_head next; uint64_t addr; struct list_head edges; int index; }; struct graph { size_t nr_vertices; struct list_head vertices; pthread_mutex_t lock; }; static struct edge * find_edge_by_addr(struct vertex * vertex, uint64_t dst_addr) { struct list_head * p = NULL; list_for_each(p, &vertex->edges) { struct edge * e = list_entry(p, struct edge, next); if (e->nb->addr == dst_addr) return e; } return NULL; } static struct vertex * find_vertex_by_addr(struct graph * graph, uint64_t addr) { struct list_head * p = NULL; list_for_each(p, &graph->vertices) { struct vertex * e = list_entry(p, struct vertex, next); if (e->addr == addr) return e; } return NULL; } static struct edge * add_edge(struct vertex * vertex, struct vertex * nb) { struct edge * edge; edge = malloc(sizeof(*edge)); if (edge == NULL) return NULL; list_head_init(&edge->next); edge->nb = nb; edge->announced = 0; list_add(&edge->next, &vertex->edges); return edge; } static void del_edge(struct edge * edge) { list_del(&edge->next); free(edge); } static struct vertex * add_vertex(struct graph * graph, uint64_t addr) { struct vertex * vertex; struct list_head * p; int i = 0; vertex = malloc(sizeof(*vertex)); if (vertex == NULL) return NULL; list_head_init(&vertex->next); list_head_init(&vertex->edges); vertex->addr = addr; /* Keep them ordered on address. */ list_for_each(p, &graph->vertices) { struct vertex * v = list_entry(p, struct vertex, next); if (v->addr > addr) break; i++; } vertex->index = i; list_add_tail(&vertex->next, p); /* Increase the index of the vertices to the right. */ list_for_each(p, &graph->vertices) { struct vertex * v = list_entry(p, struct vertex, next); if (v->addr > addr) v->index++; } graph->nr_vertices++; return vertex; } static void del_vertex(struct graph * graph, struct vertex * vertex) { struct list_head * p = NULL; struct list_head * n = NULL; list_del(&vertex->next); /* Decrease the index of the vertices to the right. */ list_for_each(p, &graph->vertices) { struct vertex * v = list_entry(p, struct vertex, next); if (v->addr > vertex->addr) v->index--; } list_for_each_safe(p, n, &vertex->edges) { struct edge * e = list_entry(p, struct edge, next); del_edge(e); } free(vertex); graph->nr_vertices--; } struct graph * graph_create(void) { struct graph * graph; graph = malloc(sizeof(*graph)); if (graph == NULL) return NULL; if (pthread_mutex_init(&graph->lock, NULL)) { free(graph); return NULL; } graph->nr_vertices = 0; list_head_init(&graph->vertices); return graph; } void graph_destroy(struct graph * graph) { struct list_head * p = NULL; struct list_head * n = NULL; assert(graph); pthread_mutex_lock(&graph->lock); list_for_each_safe(p, n, &graph->vertices) { struct vertex * e = list_entry(p, struct vertex, next); del_vertex(graph, e); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&graph->lock); pthread_mutex_destroy(&graph->lock); free(graph); } int graph_update_edge(struct graph * graph, uint64_t s_addr, uint64_t d_addr, qosspec_t qs) { struct vertex * v; struct edge * e; struct vertex * nb; struct edge * nb_e; assert(graph); pthread_mutex_lock(&graph->lock); v = find_vertex_by_addr(graph, s_addr); if (v == NULL) { v = add_vertex(graph, s_addr); if (v == NULL) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&graph->lock); log_err("Failed to add vertex."); return -ENOMEM; } } nb = find_vertex_by_addr(graph, d_addr); if (nb == NULL) { nb = add_vertex(graph, d_addr); if (nb == NULL) { if (list_is_empty(&v->edges)) del_vertex(graph, v); pthread_mutex_unlock(&graph->lock); log_err("Failed to add vertex."); return -ENOMEM; } } e = find_edge_by_addr(v, d_addr); if (e == NULL) { e = add_edge(v, nb); if (e == NULL) { if (list_is_empty(&v->edges)) del_vertex(graph, v); if (list_is_empty(&nb->edges)) del_vertex(graph, nb); pthread_mutex_unlock(&graph->lock); log_err("Failed to add edge."); return -ENOMEM; } } e->announced++; e->qs = qs; nb_e = find_edge_by_addr(nb, s_addr); if (nb_e == NULL) { nb_e = add_edge(nb, v); if (nb_e == NULL) { if (--e->announced == 0) del_edge(e); if (list_is_empty(&v->edges)) del_vertex(graph, v); if (list_is_empty(&nb->edges)) del_vertex(graph, nb); pthread_mutex_unlock(&graph->lock); log_err("Failed to add edge."); return -ENOMEM; } } nb_e->announced++; nb_e->qs = qs; pthread_mutex_unlock(&graph->lock); return 0; } int graph_del_edge(struct graph * graph, uint64_t s_addr, uint64_t d_addr) { struct vertex * v; struct edge * e; struct vertex * nb; struct edge * nb_e; assert(graph); pthread_mutex_lock(&graph->lock); v = find_vertex_by_addr(graph, s_addr); if (v == NULL) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&graph->lock); log_err("No such source vertex."); return -1; } nb = find_vertex_by_addr(graph, d_addr); if (nb == NULL) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&graph->lock); log_err("No such destination vertex."); return -1; } e = find_edge_by_addr(v, d_addr); if (e == NULL) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&graph->lock); log_err("No such source edge."); return -1; } nb_e = find_edge_by_addr(nb, s_addr); if (nb_e == NULL) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&graph->lock); log_err("No such destination edge."); return -1; } if (--e->announced == 0) del_edge(e); if (--nb_e->announced == 0) del_edge(nb_e); /* Removing vertex if it was the last edge */ if (list_is_empty(&v->edges)) del_vertex(graph, v); if (list_is_empty(&nb->edges)) del_vertex(graph, nb); pthread_mutex_unlock(&graph->lock); return 0; } static int get_min_vertex(struct graph * graph, int * dist, bool * used, struct vertex ** v) { int min = INT_MAX; int index = -1; int i = 0; struct list_head * p = NULL; *v = NULL; list_for_each(p, &graph->vertices) { if (!used[i] && dist[i] < min) { min = dist[i]; index = i; *v = list_entry(p, struct vertex, next); } i++; } if (index != -1) used[index] = true; return index; } static int dijkstra(struct graph * graph, uint64_t src, struct vertex *** nhops, int ** dist) { bool * used; struct list_head * p = NULL; int i = 0; struct vertex * v = NULL; struct edge * e = NULL; int alt; *nhops = malloc(sizeof(**nhops) * graph->nr_vertices); if (*nhops == NULL) goto fail_pnhops; *dist = malloc(sizeof(**dist) * graph->nr_vertices); if (*dist == NULL) goto fail_pdist; used = malloc(sizeof(*used) * graph->nr_vertices); if (used == NULL) goto fail_used; /* Init the data structures */ memset(used, 0, sizeof(*used) * graph->nr_vertices); memset(*nhops, 0, sizeof(**nhops) * graph->nr_vertices); memset(*dist, 0, sizeof(**dist) * graph->nr_vertices); list_for_each(p, &graph->vertices) { v = list_entry(p, struct vertex, next); (*dist)[i++] = (v->addr == src) ? 0 : INT_MAX; } /* Perform actual Dijkstra */ i = get_min_vertex(graph, *dist, used, &v); while (v != NULL) { list_for_each(p, &v->edges) { e = list_entry(p, struct edge, next); /* Only include it if both sides announced it. */ if (e->announced != 2) continue; /* * NOTE: Current weight is just hop count. * Method could be extended to use a different * weight for a different QoS cube. */ alt = (*dist)[i] + 1; if (alt < (*dist)[e->nb->index]) { (*dist)[e->nb->index] = alt; if (v->addr == src) (*nhops)[e->nb->index] = e->nb; else (*nhops)[e->nb->index] = (*nhops)[i]; } } i = get_min_vertex(graph, *dist, used, &v); } free(used); return 0; fail_used: free(*dist); fail_pdist: free(*nhops); fail_pnhops: return -1; } static void free_routing_table(struct list_head * table) { struct list_head * h; struct list_head * p; struct list_head * q; struct list_head * i; list_for_each_safe(p, h, table) { struct routing_table * t = list_entry(p, struct routing_table, next); list_for_each_safe(q, i, &t->nhops) { struct nhop * n = list_entry(q, struct nhop, next); list_del(&n->next); free(n); } list_del(&t->next); free(t); } } void graph_free_routing_table(struct graph * graph, struct list_head * table) { assert(table); pthread_mutex_lock(&graph->lock); free_routing_table(table); pthread_mutex_unlock(&graph->lock); } static int graph_routing_table_simple(struct graph * graph, uint64_t s_addr, struct list_head * table, int ** dist) { struct vertex ** nhops; struct list_head * p; int i = 0; struct vertex * v; struct routing_table * t; struct nhop * n; /* We need at least 2 vertices for a table */ if (graph->nr_vertices < 2) goto fail_vertices; if (dijkstra(graph, s_addr, &nhops, dist)) goto fail_vertices; list_head_init(table); /* Now construct the routing table from the nhops. */ list_for_each(p, &graph->vertices) { v = list_entry(p, struct vertex, next); /* This is the src */ if (nhops[i] == NULL) { i++; continue; } t = malloc(sizeof(*t)); if (t == NULL) goto fail_t; list_head_init(&t->nhops); n = malloc(sizeof(*n)); if (n == NULL) goto fail_n; t->dst = v->addr; n->nhop = nhops[i]->addr; list_add(&n->next, &t->nhops); list_add(&t->next, table); i++; } free(nhops); return 0; fail_n: free(t); fail_t: free_routing_table(table); free(nhops); free(*dist); fail_vertices: *dist = NULL; return -1; } static int add_lfa_to_table(struct list_head * table, uint64_t addr, uint64_t lfa) { struct list_head * p = NULL; struct nhop * n; n = malloc(sizeof(*n)); if (n == NULL) return -1; n->nhop = lfa; list_for_each(p, table) { struct routing_table * t = list_entry(p, struct routing_table, next); if (t->dst == addr) { list_add_tail(&n->next, &t->nhops); return 0; } } free(n); return -1; } int graph_routing_table(struct graph * graph, enum routing_algo algo, uint64_t s_addr, struct list_head * table) { int * s_dist; int * n_dist[PROG_MAX_FLOWS]; uint64_t addrs[PROG_MAX_FLOWS]; int n_index[PROG_MAX_FLOWS]; struct list_head * p; struct list_head * q; struct vertex * v; struct edge * e; struct vertex ** nhops; int i = 0; int j = 0; int k; assert(graph); assert(table); pthread_mutex_lock(&graph->lock); /* Get the normal next hops routing table. */ if (graph_routing_table_simple(graph, s_addr, table, &s_dist)) goto fail_table_simple; /* Possibly augment the routing table. */ switch (algo) { case ROUTING_SIMPLE: break; case ROUTING_LFA: for (j = 0; j < PROG_MAX_FLOWS; j++) { n_dist[j] = NULL; n_index[j] = -1; addrs[j] = -1; } list_for_each(p, &graph->vertices) { v = list_entry(p, struct vertex, next); if (v->addr != s_addr) continue; /* * Get the distances for every neighbor * of the source. */ list_for_each(q, &v->edges) { e = list_entry(q, struct edge, next); addrs[i] = e->nb->addr; n_index[i] = e->nb->index; if (dijkstra(graph, e->nb->addr, &nhops, &(n_dist[i++]))) goto fail_dijkstra; free(nhops); } break; } /* Loop though all nodes to see if we have a LFA for them. */ list_for_each(p, &graph->vertices) { v = list_entry(p, struct vertex, next); if (v->addr == s_addr) continue; /* * Check for every neighbor if * dist(neighbor, destination) < * dist(neighbor, source) + dist(source, destination). */ for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { /* Exclude ourselves. */ if (addrs[j] == v->addr) continue; if (n_dist[j][v->index] < s_dist[n_index[j]] + s_dist[v->index]) if (add_lfa_to_table(table, v->addr, addrs[j])) goto fail_add_lfa; } } for (j = 0; j < i; j++) free(n_dist[j]); break; default: log_err("Unsupported algorithm."); goto fail_algo; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&graph->lock); free(s_dist); return 0; fail_add_lfa: for (k = j; k < i; k++) free(n_dist[k]); fail_dijkstra: free_routing_table(table); fail_algo: free(s_dist); fail_table_simple: pthread_mutex_unlock(&graph->lock); return -1; }