/* * Ouroboros - Copyright (C) 2016 - 2017 * * Normal IPC Process * * Dimitri Staessens <dimitri.staessens@ugent.be> * Sander Vrijders <sander.vrijders@ugent.be> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., http://www.fsf.org/about/contact/. */ #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L #include "config.h" #define OUROBOROS_PREFIX "normal-ipcp" #include <ouroboros/errno.h> #include <ouroboros/hash.h> #include <ouroboros/ipcp-dev.h> #include <ouroboros/irm.h> #include <ouroboros/logs.h> #include <ouroboros/notifier.h> #include <ouroboros/rib.h> #include <ouroboros/time_utils.h> #include "addr_auth.h" #include "connmgr.h" #include "dir.h" #include "dt.h" #include "enroll.h" #include "fa.h" #include "ipcp.h" #include <stdbool.h> #include <signal.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <inttypes.h> #define THIS_TYPE IPCP_NORMAL static int initialize_components(const struct ipcp_config * conf) { ipcpi.dif_name = strdup(conf->dif_info.dif_name); if (ipcpi.dif_name == NULL) { log_err("Failed to set DIF name."); goto fail_dif_name; } ipcpi.dir_hash_algo = conf->dif_info.dir_hash_algo; assert(ipcp_dir_hash_len() != 0); if (addr_auth_init(conf->addr_auth_type, &conf->addr_size)) { log_err("Failed to init address authority."); goto fail_addr_auth; } ipcpi.dt_addr = addr_auth_address(); if (ipcpi.dt_addr == 0) { log_err("Failed to get a valid address."); goto fail_addr_auth; } log_dbg("IPCP got address %" PRIu64 ".", ipcpi.dt_addr); if (dt_init(conf->routing_type, conf->addr_size, conf->fd_size, conf->has_ttl)) { log_err("Failed to initialize data transfer component."); goto fail_dt; } if (fa_init()) { log_err("Failed to initialize flow allocator component."); goto fail_fa; } if (dir_init()) { log_err("Failed to initialize directory."); goto fail_dir; } ipcp_set_state(IPCP_INIT); return 0; fail_dir: fa_fini(); fail_fa: dt_fini(); fail_dt: addr_auth_fini(); fail_addr_auth: free(ipcpi.dif_name); fail_dif_name: return -1; } static void finalize_components(void) { dir_fini(); fa_fini(); dt_fini(); addr_auth_fini(); free(ipcpi.dif_name); } static int start_components(void) { assert(ipcp_get_state() == IPCP_INIT); ipcp_set_state(IPCP_OPERATIONAL); if (fa_start()) { log_err("Failed to start flow allocator."); goto fail_fa_start; } if (enroll_start()) { log_err("Failed to start enrollment."); goto fail_enroll_start; } if (connmgr_start()) { log_err("Failed to start AP connection manager."); goto fail_connmgr_start; } return 0; fail_connmgr_start: enroll_stop(); fail_enroll_start: fa_stop(); fail_fa_start: ipcp_set_state(IPCP_INIT); return -1; } static void stop_components(void) { assert(ipcp_get_state() == IPCP_OPERATIONAL || ipcp_get_state() == IPCP_SHUTDOWN); connmgr_stop(); enroll_stop(); fa_stop(); ipcp_set_state(IPCP_INIT); } static int bootstrap_components(void) { if (dir_bootstrap()) { log_err("Failed to bootstrap directory."); dt_stop(); return -1; } return 0; } static int normal_ipcp_enroll(const char * dst, struct dif_info * info) { struct conn conn; if (connmgr_alloc(AEID_ENROLL, dst, NULL, &conn)) { log_err("Failed to get connection."); goto fail_er_flow; } /* Get boot state from peer. */ if (enroll_boot(&conn)) { log_err("Failed to get boot information."); goto fail_enroll_boot; } if (initialize_components(enroll_get_conf())) { log_err("Failed to initialize IPCP components."); goto fail_enroll_boot; } if (dt_start()) { log_err("Failed to initialize IPCP components."); goto fail_dt_start; } if (start_components()) { log_err("Failed to start components."); goto fail_start_comp; } if (enroll_done(&conn, 0)) log_warn("Failed to confirm enrollment with peer."); if (connmgr_dealloc(AEID_ENROLL, &conn)) log_warn("Failed to deallocate enrollment flow."); log_info("Enrolled with %s.", dst); info->dir_hash_algo = ipcpi.dir_hash_algo; strcpy(info->dif_name, ipcpi.dif_name); return 0; fail_start_comp: dt_stop(); fail_dt_start: finalize_components(); fail_enroll_boot: connmgr_dealloc(AEID_ENROLL, &conn); fail_er_flow: return -1; } static int normal_ipcp_bootstrap(const struct ipcp_config * conf) { assert(conf); assert(conf->type == THIS_TYPE); enroll_bootstrap(conf); if (initialize_components(conf)) { log_err("Failed to init IPCP components."); goto fail_init; } if (dt_start()) { log_err("Failed to initialize IPCP components."); goto fail_dt_start; }; if (start_components()) { log_err("Failed to init IPCP components."); goto fail_start; } if (bootstrap_components()) { log_err("Failed to bootstrap IPCP components."); goto fail_bootstrap; } log_dbg("Bootstrapped in DIF %s.", conf->dif_info.dif_name); return 0; fail_bootstrap: stop_components(); fail_start: dt_stop(); fail_dt_start: finalize_components(); fail_init: return -1; } static int normal_ipcp_query(const uint8_t * dst) { return dir_query(dst) ? 0 : -1; } static struct ipcp_ops normal_ops = { .ipcp_bootstrap = normal_ipcp_bootstrap, .ipcp_enroll = normal_ipcp_enroll, .ipcp_connect = connmgr_ipcp_connect, .ipcp_disconnect = connmgr_ipcp_disconnect, .ipcp_reg = dir_reg, .ipcp_unreg = dir_unreg, .ipcp_query = normal_ipcp_query, .ipcp_flow_alloc = fa_alloc, .ipcp_flow_alloc_resp = fa_alloc_resp, .ipcp_flow_dealloc = fa_dealloc }; int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { if (ipcp_init(argc, argv, THIS_TYPE, &normal_ops) < 0) { log_err("Failed to init IPCP."); goto fail_init; } if (irm_bind_api(getpid(), ipcpi.name)) { log_err("Failed to bind AP name."); goto fail_bind_api; } /* These components must be init at creation. */ if (rib_init("ipcpd-normal")) { log_err("Failed to initialize RIB."); goto fail_rib_init; } if (connmgr_init()) { log_err("Failed to initialize connection manager."); goto fail_connmgr_init; } if (enroll_init()) { log_err("Failed to initialize enrollment component."); goto fail_enroll_init; } if (notifier_init()) { log_err("Failed to initialize notifier component."); goto fail_notifier_init; } if (ipcp_boot() < 0) { log_err("Failed to boot IPCP."); goto fail_boot; } if (ipcp_create_r(getpid(), 0)) { log_err("Failed to notify IRMd we are initialized."); ipcp_set_state(IPCP_NULL); goto fail_create_r; } ipcp_shutdown(); if (ipcp_get_state() == IPCP_SHUTDOWN) { dt_stop(); stop_components(); finalize_components(); } notifier_fini(); enroll_fini(); connmgr_fini(); rib_fini(); irm_unbind_api(getpid(), ipcpi.name); ipcp_fini(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); fail_create_r: ipcp_shutdown(); fail_boot: notifier_fini(); fail_notifier_init: enroll_fini(); fail_enroll_init: connmgr_fini(); fail_connmgr_init: rib_fini(); fail_rib_init: irm_unbind_api(getpid(), ipcpi.name); fail_bind_api: ipcp_fini(); fail_init: ipcp_create_r(getpid(), -1); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }