/* * Ouroboros - Copyright (C) 2016 - 2017 * * Enrollment Task * * Dimitri Staessens <dimitri.staessens@ugent.be> * Sander Vrijders <sander.vrijders@ugent.be> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., http://www.fsf.org/about/contact/. */ #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 199309L #define OUROBOROS_PREFIX "enrollment" #include <ouroboros/endian.h> #include <ouroboros/errno.h> #include <ouroboros/time_utils.h> #include <ouroboros/dev.h> #include <ouroboros/logs.h> #include <ouroboros/errno.h> #include <ouroboros/sockets.h> #include "connmgr.h" #include "enroll.h" #include "ipcp.h" #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <pthread.h> #include "enroll.pb-c.h" typedef EnrollMsg enroll_msg_t; #define ENROLL_AE "Enrollment" #define ENROLL_PROTO "OEP" /* Ouroboros enrollment protocol */ #define ENROLL_WARN_TIME_OFFSET 20 #define ENROLL_BUF_LEN 1024 enum enroll_state { ENROLL_NULL = 0, ENROLL_INIT, ENROLL_RUNNING }; struct { struct ipcp_config conf; enum enroll_state state; pthread_t listener; } enroll; static int send_rcv_enroll_msg(int fd) { enroll_msg_t req = ENROLL_MSG__INIT; enroll_msg_t * reply; uint8_t buf[ENROLL_BUF_LEN]; ssize_t len; ssize_t delta_t; struct timespec t0; struct timespec rtt; req.code = ENROLL_CODE__ENROLL_REQ; len = enroll_msg__get_packed_size(&req); if (len < 0) { log_dbg("Failed pack request message."); return -1; } enroll_msg__pack(&req, buf); clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &t0); if (flow_write(fd, buf, len)) { log_dbg("Failed to send request message."); return -1; } len = flow_read(fd, buf, ENROLL_BUF_LEN); if (len < 0) { log_dbg("No enrollment reply received."); return -1; } log_dbg("Received enrollment info (%zd bytes).", len); reply = enroll_msg__unpack(NULL, len, buf); if (reply == NULL) { log_dbg("No enrollment response."); return -1; } if (reply->code != ENROLL_CODE__ENROLL_BOOT) { log_dbg("Failed to unpack enrollment response."); enroll_msg__free_unpacked(reply, NULL); return -1; } if (!(reply->has_t_sec && reply->has_t_nsec)) { log_dbg("No time in response message."); enroll_msg__free_unpacked(reply, NULL); return -1; } clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &rtt); delta_t = ts_diff_ms(&t0, &rtt); rtt.tv_sec = reply->t_sec; rtt.tv_nsec = reply->t_nsec; if (labs(ts_diff_ms(&t0, &rtt)) - delta_t > ENROLL_WARN_TIME_OFFSET) log_warn("Clock offset above threshold."); strcpy(enroll.conf.dif_info.dif_name, reply->conf->dif_info->dif_name); enroll.conf.type = reply->conf->ipcp_type; enroll.conf.addr_size = reply->conf->addr_size; enroll.conf.fd_size = reply->conf->fd_size; enroll.conf.has_ttl = reply->conf->has_ttl; enroll.conf.addr_auth_type = reply->conf->addr_auth_type; enroll.conf.routing_type = reply->conf->routing_type; enroll.conf.dif_info.dir_hash_algo = reply->conf->dif_info->dir_hash_algo; enroll_msg__free_unpacked(reply, NULL); return 0; } static ssize_t enroll_pack(uint8_t ** buf) { enroll_msg_t msg = ENROLL_MSG__INIT; ipcp_config_msg_t config = IPCP_CONFIG_MSG__INIT; dif_info_msg_t dif_info = DIF_INFO_MSG__INIT; struct timespec now; ssize_t len; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now); msg.code = ENROLL_CODE__ENROLL_BOOT; msg.has_t_sec = true; msg.t_sec = now.tv_sec; msg.has_t_nsec = true; msg.t_nsec = now.tv_nsec; msg.conf = &config; config.ipcp_type = enroll.conf.type; config.has_addr_size = true; config.addr_size = enroll.conf.addr_size; config.has_fd_size = true; config.fd_size = enroll.conf.fd_size; config.has_has_ttl = true; config.has_ttl = enroll.conf.has_ttl; config.has_addr_auth_type = true; config.addr_auth_type = enroll.conf.addr_auth_type; config.has_routing_type = true; config.routing_type = enroll.conf.routing_type; config.dif_info = &dif_info; dif_info.dif_name = (char *) enroll.conf.dif_info.dif_name; dif_info.dir_hash_algo = enroll.conf.dif_info.dir_hash_algo; len = enroll_msg__get_packed_size(&msg); *buf = malloc(len); if (*buf == NULL) return -1; enroll_msg__pack(&msg, *buf); return len; } static void * enroll_handle(void * o) { struct conn conn; uint8_t buf[ENROLL_BUF_LEN]; uint8_t * reply; ssize_t len; enroll_msg_t * msg; (void) o; while (true) { if (connmgr_wait(AEID_ENROLL, &conn)) { log_err("Failed to get next connection."); continue; } len = flow_read(conn.flow_info.fd, buf, ENROLL_BUF_LEN); if (len < 0) { log_err("Failed to read from flow."); connmgr_dealloc(AEID_ENROLL, &conn); continue; } msg = enroll_msg__unpack(NULL, len, buf); if (msg == NULL) { log_err("Failed to unpack message."); connmgr_dealloc(AEID_ENROLL, &conn); continue; } if (msg->code != ENROLL_CODE__ENROLL_REQ) { log_err("Wrong message type."); connmgr_dealloc(AEID_ENROLL, &conn); enroll_msg__free_unpacked(msg, NULL); continue; } log_dbg("Enrolling a new neighbor."); enroll_msg__free_unpacked(msg, NULL); len = enroll_pack(&reply); if (reply == NULL) { log_err("Failed to pack enrollment message."); connmgr_dealloc(AEID_ENROLL, &conn); continue; } log_dbg("Sending enrollment info (%zd bytes).", len); if (flow_write(conn.flow_info.fd, reply, len)) { log_err("Failed respond to enrollment request."); connmgr_dealloc(AEID_ENROLL, &conn); free(reply); continue; } free(reply); len = flow_read(conn.flow_info.fd, buf, ENROLL_BUF_LEN); if (len < 0) { log_err("Failed to read from flow."); connmgr_dealloc(AEID_ENROLL, &conn); continue; } msg = enroll_msg__unpack(NULL, len, buf); if (msg == NULL) { log_err("Failed to unpack message."); connmgr_dealloc(AEID_ENROLL, &conn); continue; } if (msg->code != ENROLL_CODE__ENROLL_DONE || !msg->has_result) { log_err("Wrong message type."); enroll_msg__free_unpacked(msg, NULL); connmgr_dealloc(AEID_ENROLL, &conn); continue; } if (msg->result == 0) log_dbg("Neighbor enrollment successful."); else log_dbg("Neigbor reported failed enrollment."); enroll_msg__free_unpacked(msg, NULL); connmgr_dealloc(AEID_ENROLL, &conn); } return 0; } int enroll_boot(struct conn * conn) { log_dbg("Getting boot information."); if (send_rcv_enroll_msg(conn->flow_info.fd)) { log_err("Failed to enroll."); return -1; } return 0; } int enroll_done(struct conn * conn, int result) { enroll_msg_t msg = ENROLL_MSG__INIT; uint8_t buf[ENROLL_BUF_LEN]; ssize_t len; msg.code = ENROLL_CODE__ENROLL_DONE; msg.has_result = true; msg.result = result; len = enroll_msg__get_packed_size(&msg); if (len < 0) { log_dbg("Failed pack request message."); return -1; } enroll_msg__pack(&msg, buf); if (flow_write(conn->flow_info.fd, buf, len)) { log_dbg("Failed to send acknowledgment."); return -1; } return 0; } void enroll_bootstrap(const struct ipcp_config * conf) { assert(conf); memcpy(&enroll.conf, conf, sizeof(enroll.conf)); } struct ipcp_config * enroll_get_conf(void) { return &enroll.conf; } int enroll_init(void) { struct conn_info info; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); strcpy(info.ae_name, ENROLL_AE); strcpy(info.protocol, ENROLL_PROTO); info.pref_version = 1; info.pref_syntax = PROTO_GPB; info.addr = 0; if (connmgr_ae_init(AEID_ENROLL, &info)) { log_err("Failed to register with connmgr."); return -1; } enroll.state = ENROLL_INIT; return 0; } void enroll_fini(void) { if (enroll.state == ENROLL_RUNNING) pthread_join(enroll.listener, NULL); connmgr_ae_fini(AEID_ENROLL); } int enroll_start(void) { if (pthread_create(&enroll.listener, NULL, enroll_handle, NULL)) return -1; enroll.state = ENROLL_RUNNING; return 0; } void enroll_stop(void) { if (enroll.state == ENROLL_RUNNING) pthread_cancel(enroll.listener); }