/* * Ouroboros - Copyright (C) 2016 - 2017 * * IPC process main loop * * Dimitri Staessens <dimitri.staessens@ugent.be> * Sander Vrijders <sander.vrijders@ugent.be> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #define OUROBOROS_PREFIX "ipcpd/ipcp" #include <ouroboros/config.h> #include <ouroboros/logs.h> #include <ouroboros/time_utils.h> #include <ouroboros/utils.h> #include <ouroboros/sockets.h> #include <ouroboros/errno.h> #include <ouroboros/dev.h> #include <ouroboros/bitmap.h> #include <ouroboros/np1_flow.h> #include "ipcp.h" #include <string.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <stdlib.h> static void thread_inc(void) { pthread_mutex_lock(&ipcpi.threads_lock); ++ipcpi.threads; pthread_cond_signal(&ipcpi.threads_cond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&ipcpi.threads_lock); } static void thread_dec(void) { pthread_mutex_lock(&ipcpi.threads_lock); --ipcpi.threads; pthread_cond_signal(&ipcpi.threads_cond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&ipcpi.threads_lock); } static bool thread_check(void) { int ret; pthread_mutex_lock(&ipcpi.threads_lock); ret = ipcpi.threads > ipcpi.max_threads; pthread_mutex_unlock(&ipcpi.threads_lock); return ret; } static void thread_exit(ssize_t id) { pthread_mutex_lock(&ipcpi.threads_lock); bmp_release(ipcpi.thread_ids, id); --ipcpi.threads; pthread_cond_signal(&ipcpi.threads_cond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&ipcpi.threads_lock); } static void * ipcp_main_loop(void * o) { int lsockfd; uint8_t buf[IPCP_MSG_BUF_SIZE]; ipcp_msg_t * msg; ssize_t count; buffer_t buffer; ipcp_msg_t ret_msg = IPCP_MSG__INIT; dif_config_msg_t * conf_msg; struct dif_config conf; struct timeval ltv = {(SOCKET_TIMEOUT / 1000), (SOCKET_TIMEOUT % 1000) * 1000}; ssize_t id = (ssize_t) o; while (true) { #ifdef __FreeBSD__ fd_set fds; struct timeval timeout = {(IPCP_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT / 1000), (IPCP_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT % 1000) * 1000}; #endif int fd = -1; pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&ipcpi.state_lock); if (ipcp_get_state() == IPCP_SHUTDOWN || ipcp_get_state() == IPCP_NULL || thread_check()) { thread_exit(id); pthread_rwlock_unlock(&ipcpi.state_lock); break; } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&ipcpi.state_lock); ret_msg.code = IPCP_MSG_CODE__IPCP_REPLY; #ifdef __FreeBSD__ FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(ipcpi.sockfd, &fds); if (select(ipcpi.sockfd, &fds, NULL, NULL, &timeout) <= 0) continue; #endif lsockfd = accept(ipcpi.sockfd, 0, 0); if (lsockfd < 0) continue; if (setsockopt(lsockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (void *) <v, sizeof(ltv))) log_warn("Failed to set timeout on socket."); count = read(lsockfd, buf, IPCP_MSG_BUF_SIZE); if (count <= 0) { log_err("Failed to read from socket"); close(lsockfd); continue; } msg = ipcp_msg__unpack(NULL, count, buf); if (msg == NULL) { close(lsockfd); continue; } thread_dec(); switch (msg->code) { case IPCP_MSG_CODE__IPCP_BOOTSTRAP: if (ipcpi.ops->ipcp_bootstrap == NULL) { log_err("Bootstrap unsupported."); break; } conf_msg = msg->conf; conf.type = conf_msg->ipcp_type; conf.dif_name = conf_msg->dif_name; if (conf.dif_name == NULL) { ret_msg.has_result = true; ret_msg.result = -1; break; } if (conf_msg->ipcp_type == IPCP_NORMAL) { conf.addr_size = conf_msg->addr_size; conf.cep_id_size = conf_msg->cep_id_size; conf.pdu_length_size = conf_msg->pdu_length_size; conf.seqno_size = conf_msg->seqno_size; conf.has_ttl = conf_msg->has_ttl; conf.has_chk = conf_msg->has_chk; conf.min_pdu_size = conf_msg->min_pdu_size; conf.max_pdu_size = conf_msg->max_pdu_size; conf.addr_auth_type = conf_msg->addr_auth_type; conf.dt_gam_type = conf_msg->dt_gam_type; conf.rm_gam_type = conf_msg->rm_gam_type; } if (conf_msg->ipcp_type == IPCP_SHIM_UDP) { conf.ip_addr = conf_msg->ip_addr; conf.dns_addr = conf_msg->dns_addr; } if (conf_msg->ipcp_type == IPCP_SHIM_ETH_LLC) conf.if_name = conf_msg->if_name; ret_msg.has_result = true; ret_msg.result = ipcpi.ops->ipcp_bootstrap(&conf); break; case IPCP_MSG_CODE__IPCP_ENROLL: if (ipcpi.ops->ipcp_enroll == NULL) { log_err("Enroll unsupported."); break; } ret_msg.has_result = true; ret_msg.result = ipcpi.ops->ipcp_enroll(msg->dif_name); break; case IPCP_MSG_CODE__IPCP_NAME_REG: if (ipcpi.ops->ipcp_name_reg == NULL) { log_err("Ap_reg unsupported."); break; } ret_msg.has_result = true; ret_msg.result = ipcpi.ops->ipcp_name_reg(msg->name); break; case IPCP_MSG_CODE__IPCP_NAME_UNREG: if (ipcpi.ops->ipcp_name_unreg == NULL) { log_err("Ap_unreg unsupported."); break; } ret_msg.has_result = true; ret_msg.result = ipcpi.ops->ipcp_name_unreg(msg->name); break; case IPCP_MSG_CODE__IPCP_NAME_QUERY: if (ipcpi.ops->ipcp_name_query == NULL) { log_err("Ap_query unsupported."); break; } ret_msg.has_result = true; ret_msg.result = ipcpi.ops->ipcp_name_query(msg->name); break; case IPCP_MSG_CODE__IPCP_FLOW_ALLOC: if (ipcpi.ops->ipcp_flow_alloc == NULL) { log_err("Flow_alloc unsupported."); break; } fd = np1_flow_alloc(msg->api, msg->port_id); if (fd < 0) { log_err("Failed allocating fd on port_id %d.", msg->port_id); ret_msg.has_result = true; ret_msg.result = -1; break; } ret_msg.has_result = true; ret_msg.result = ipcpi.ops->ipcp_flow_alloc(fd, msg->dst_name, msg->qoscube); break; case IPCP_MSG_CODE__IPCP_FLOW_ALLOC_RESP: if (ipcpi.ops->ipcp_flow_alloc_resp == NULL) { log_err("Flow_alloc_resp unsupported."); break; } if (!msg->response) { fd = np1_flow_resp(msg->port_id); if (fd < 0) { log_warn("Port_id %d is not known.", msg->port_id); ret_msg.has_result = true; ret_msg.result = -1; break; } } ret_msg.has_result = true; ret_msg.result = ipcpi.ops->ipcp_flow_alloc_resp(fd, msg->response); break; case IPCP_MSG_CODE__IPCP_FLOW_DEALLOC: if (ipcpi.ops->ipcp_flow_dealloc == NULL) { log_err("Flow_dealloc unsupported."); break; } fd = np1_flow_dealloc(msg->port_id); if (fd < 0) { log_warn("Could not deallocate port_id %d.", msg->port_id); ret_msg.has_result = true; ret_msg.result = -1; break; } ret_msg.has_result = true; ret_msg.result = ipcpi.ops->ipcp_flow_dealloc(fd); break; default: log_err("Don't know that message code"); break; } ipcp_msg__free_unpacked(msg, NULL); buffer.len = ipcp_msg__get_packed_size(&ret_msg); if (buffer.len == 0) { log_err("Failed to send reply message"); close(lsockfd); thread_inc(); continue; } buffer.data = malloc(buffer.len); if (buffer.data == NULL) { close(lsockfd); thread_inc(); continue; } ipcp_msg__pack(&ret_msg, buffer.data); if (write(lsockfd, buffer.data, buffer.len) == -1) { free(buffer.data); close(lsockfd); thread_inc(); continue; } free(buffer.data); close(lsockfd); thread_inc(); } return (void *) 0; } static int parse_args(int argc, char * argv[], bool * log) { *log = false; if (!(argc == 4 || argc == 3)) return -1; /* argument 1: api of irmd */ if (atoi(argv[1]) == 0) return -1; ipcpi.irmd_api = atoi(argv[1]); /* argument 2: IPCP name */ ipcpi.name = argv[2]; /* argument 3: syslog */ if (argv[3] != NULL) *log = true; return 0; } int ipcp_init(int argc, char ** argv, enum ipcp_type type, struct ipcp_ops * ops) { bool log; pthread_condattr_t cattr; struct timeval tv = {(IPCP_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT / 1000), (IPCP_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT % 1000) * 1000}; if (parse_args(argc, argv, &log)) return -1; log_init(log); if (type == IPCP_NORMAL) { if (ap_init(argv[0])) { log_err("Failed to init normal IPCPI."); return -1; } } else { if (ap_init(NULL)) { log_err("Failed to init shim IPCPI."); return -1; } } ipcpi.irmd_fd = -1; ipcpi.state = IPCP_NULL; ipcpi.shim_data = NULL; ipcpi.threadpool = malloc(sizeof(pthread_t) * IPCP_MAX_THREADS); if (ipcpi.threadpool == NULL) { ap_fini(); return -ENOMEM; } ipcpi.threads = 0; ipcpi.max_threads = IPCP_MIN_AV_THREADS; ipcpi.sock_path = ipcp_sock_path(getpid()); if (ipcpi.sock_path == NULL) { free(ipcpi.threadpool); ap_fini(); return -1; } ipcpi.sockfd = server_socket_open(ipcpi.sock_path); if (ipcpi.sockfd < 0) { log_err("Could not open server socket."); free(ipcpi.threadpool); free(ipcpi.sock_path); ap_fini(); return -1; } if (setsockopt(ipcpi.sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (void *) &tv, sizeof(tv))) log_warn("Failed to set timeout on socket."); ipcpi.ops = ops; if (pthread_rwlock_init(&ipcpi.state_lock, NULL)) { log_err("Could not create rwlock."); close(ipcpi.sockfd); free(ipcpi.threadpool); free(ipcpi.sock_path); ap_fini(); return -1; } if (pthread_mutex_init(&ipcpi.state_mtx, NULL)) { log_err("Could not create mutex."); pthread_rwlock_destroy(&ipcpi.state_lock); close(ipcpi.sockfd); free(ipcpi.threadpool); free(ipcpi.sock_path); ap_fini(); return -1; } if (pthread_mutex_init(&ipcpi.threads_lock, NULL)) { log_err("Could not create mutex."); pthread_mutex_destroy(&ipcpi.state_mtx); pthread_rwlock_destroy(&ipcpi.state_lock); close(ipcpi.sockfd); free(ipcpi.threadpool); free(ipcpi.sock_path); ap_fini(); return -1; } if (pthread_condattr_init(&cattr)) { log_err("Could not create condattr."); pthread_mutex_destroy(&ipcpi.threads_lock); pthread_mutex_destroy(&ipcpi.state_mtx); pthread_rwlock_destroy(&ipcpi.state_lock); close(ipcpi.sockfd); free(ipcpi.threadpool); free(ipcpi.sock_path); ap_fini(); return -1; } ; #ifndef __APPLE__ pthread_condattr_setclock(&cattr, PTHREAD_COND_CLOCK); #endif if (pthread_cond_init(&ipcpi.state_cond, &cattr)) { log_err("Could not init condvar."); pthread_condattr_destroy(&cattr); pthread_mutex_destroy(&ipcpi.threads_lock); pthread_mutex_destroy(&ipcpi.state_mtx); pthread_rwlock_destroy(&ipcpi.state_lock); close(ipcpi.sockfd); free(ipcpi.threadpool); free(ipcpi.sock_path); ap_fini(); return -1; } if (pthread_cond_init(&ipcpi.threads_cond, &cattr)) { log_err("Could not init condvar."); pthread_cond_destroy(&ipcpi.state_cond); pthread_condattr_destroy(&cattr); pthread_mutex_destroy(&ipcpi.threads_lock); pthread_mutex_destroy(&ipcpi.state_mtx); pthread_rwlock_destroy(&ipcpi.state_lock); close(ipcpi.sockfd); free(ipcpi.threadpool); free(ipcpi.sock_path); ap_fini(); return -1; }; pthread_condattr_destroy(&cattr); ipcpi.thread_ids = bmp_create(IPCP_MAX_THREADS, 0); if (ipcpi.thread_ids == NULL) { log_err("Could not init condvar."); pthread_cond_destroy(&ipcpi.threads_cond); pthread_cond_destroy(&ipcpi.state_cond); pthread_mutex_destroy(&ipcpi.threads_lock); pthread_mutex_destroy(&ipcpi.state_mtx); pthread_rwlock_destroy(&ipcpi.state_lock); close(ipcpi.sockfd); free(ipcpi.threadpool); free(ipcpi.sock_path); ap_fini(); return -1; }; if (type == IPCP_NORMAL) return 0; ipcpi.shim_data = shim_data_create(); if (ipcpi.shim_data == NULL) { bmp_destroy(ipcpi.thread_ids); pthread_cond_destroy(&ipcpi.threads_cond); pthread_cond_destroy(&ipcpi.state_cond); pthread_mutex_destroy(&ipcpi.state_mtx); pthread_rwlock_destroy(&ipcpi.state_lock); close(ipcpi.sockfd); free(ipcpi.threadpool); free(ipcpi.sock_path); ap_fini(); return -ENOMEM; } return 0; } static bool is_thread_alive(ssize_t id) { bool ret; pthread_mutex_lock(&ipcpi.threads_lock); ret = bmp_is_id_used(ipcpi.thread_ids, id); pthread_mutex_unlock(&ipcpi.threads_lock); return ret; } void * threadpoolmgr(void * o) { struct timespec to = {(IPCP_TPM_TIMEOUT / 1000), (IPCP_TPM_TIMEOUT % 1000) * MILLION}; struct timespec dl; size_t t; (void) o; while (true) { clock_gettime(PTHREAD_COND_CLOCK, &dl); ts_add(&dl, &to, &dl); pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&ipcpi.state_lock); if (ipcp_get_state() == IPCP_SHUTDOWN || ipcp_get_state() == IPCP_NULL) { pthread_rwlock_unlock(&ipcpi.state_lock); log_dbg("Threadpool manager exiting."); for (t = 0; t < IPCP_MAX_THREADS; ++t) if (is_thread_alive(t)) { log_dbg("Waiting for thread %zd.", t); pthread_join(ipcpi.threadpool[t], NULL); } log_dbg("Threadpool manager done."); break; } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&ipcpi.state_lock); pthread_mutex_lock(&ipcpi.threads_lock); if (ipcpi.threads < IPCP_MIN_AV_THREADS) { log_dbg("Increasing threadpool."); ipcpi.max_threads = IPCP_MAX_AV_THREADS; while (ipcpi.threads < ipcpi.max_threads) { ssize_t id = bmp_allocate(ipcpi.thread_ids); if (!bmp_is_id_valid(ipcpi.thread_ids, id)) { log_warn("IPCP threadpool exhausted."); break; } if (pthread_create(&ipcpi.threadpool[id], NULL, ipcp_main_loop, (void *) id)) log_warn("Failed to start new thread."); else ++ipcpi.threads; } } if (pthread_cond_timedwait(&ipcpi.threads_cond, &ipcpi.threads_lock, &dl) == ETIMEDOUT) if (ipcpi.threads > IPCP_MIN_AV_THREADS) --ipcpi.max_threads; pthread_mutex_unlock(&ipcpi.threads_lock); } return (void *) 0; } int ipcp_boot() { ipcp_set_state(IPCP_INIT); pthread_create(&ipcpi.tpm, NULL, threadpoolmgr, NULL); return 0; } void ipcp_shutdown() { pthread_join(ipcpi.tpm, NULL); log_info("IPCP %d shutting down.", getpid()); } void ipcp_fini() { close(ipcpi.sockfd); if (unlink(ipcpi.sock_path)) log_warn("Could not unlink %s.", ipcpi.sock_path); bmp_destroy(ipcpi.thread_ids); free(ipcpi.sock_path); free(ipcpi.threadpool); shim_data_destroy(ipcpi.shim_data); pthread_cond_destroy(&ipcpi.state_cond); pthread_cond_destroy(&ipcpi.threads_cond); pthread_mutex_destroy(&ipcpi.threads_lock); pthread_mutex_destroy(&ipcpi.state_mtx); pthread_rwlock_destroy(&ipcpi.state_lock); log_fini(); ap_fini(); log_info("IPCP %d out.", getpid()); } void ipcp_set_state(enum ipcp_state state) { pthread_mutex_lock(&ipcpi.state_mtx); ipcpi.state = state; pthread_cond_broadcast(&ipcpi.state_cond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&ipcpi.state_mtx); } enum ipcp_state ipcp_get_state() { enum ipcp_state state; pthread_mutex_lock(&ipcpi.state_mtx); state = ipcpi.state; pthread_mutex_unlock(&ipcpi.state_mtx); return state; } int ipcp_wait_state(enum ipcp_state state, const struct timespec * timeout) { struct timespec abstime; int ret = 0; clock_gettime(PTHREAD_COND_CLOCK, &abstime); ts_add(&abstime, timeout, &abstime); pthread_mutex_lock(&ipcpi.state_mtx); while (ipcpi.state != state && ipcpi.state != IPCP_SHUTDOWN && ipcpi.state != IPCP_NULL && ret != -ETIMEDOUT) { if (timeout == NULL) ret = -pthread_cond_wait(&ipcpi.state_cond, &ipcpi.state_mtx); else ret = -pthread_cond_timedwait(&ipcpi.state_cond, &ipcpi.state_mtx, &abstime); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&ipcpi.state_mtx); return ret; }