.\" Ouroboros man pages CC-BY 2017 - 2020
.\" Dimitri Staessens <dimitri.staessens@ugent.be>
.\" Sander Vrijders <sander.vrijders@ugent.be>

.TH FCCNTL 3 2018-10-04 Ouroboros "Ouroboros Programmer's Manual"


fccntl \- control commands for flows and FRCT connections


.B #include <ouroboros/fccntl.h>

\fBint fccntl(int \fIfd\fB, int \fIcmd\fB, ...);

Compile and link with \fI-louroboros-dev\fR.


\fBfccntl\fR() is used to control the configuration of flows and

Supported commands are:

\fBFLOWSSNDTIMEO\fR - set the sender timeout. Takes a \fBstruct
timespec * \fItimeo\fR as third argument. Passing NULL for \fItimeo\fR
disables the timeout.

\fBFLOWGSNDTIMEO\fR - retrieve the current sender timeout. Takes a
\fBstruct timespec * \fItimeo\fR as third argument.

\fBFLOWSRCVTIMEO\fR - set the receiver timeout. Takes a \fBstruct
timespec * \fItimeo\fR as third argument. Passing NULL for \fItimeo\fR
disables the timeout.

\fBFLOWGRCVTIMEO\fR - retrieve the current receiver timeout. Takes a
\fBstruct timespec * \fItimeo\fR as third argument.

\fBFLOWGQOSSPEC\fR  - retrieve the current QoS specification of the
flow. Takes a \fBqosspec_t * \fIqs\fR as third argument.

\fBFLOWSFLAGS\fR    - set flow flags. Takes flow flags as third
argument. Supported flags are:

.RS 8
\fIFLOWFRDONLY\fR   - set flow to read-only.

\fIFLOWFWRONLY\fR   - set flow_to write-only.

\fIFLOWFRDWR\fR     - set flow to read-write.

\fIFLOWFDOWN\fR     - mark flow as down.

\fIFLOWFRNOBLOCK\fR - set read to non-blocking.

\fIFLOWFWNOBLOCK\fR - set write to non-blocking.

\fIFLOWFNONBLOCK\fR - set I/O to non-blocking read/write.

\fIFLOWFRNOPART\fR  - disable partial reading.

\fIFLOWFWNOPART\fR  - disable partial writing.

\fIFLOWFDEFAULT\fR  - set flow defaults (blocking, read-write,
no partial writes).


\fBFLOWGFLAGS\fR    - get the current flow flags. Takes an \fBuint32_t
\fIflags\fR as third argument.

\fBFLOWGRXQLEN\fR   - get the current number of packets in the receive
buffer. Takes a \fBsize_t \fIqlen\fR as third argument.

\fBFLOWGTXQLEN\fR   - get the current number of packets in the transmit
buffer. Takes a \fBsize_t \fIqlen\fR as third argument.

\fBFRCTGFLAGS\fR    - get the current flow flags. Takes an \fBuint16_t
\fIflags\fR as third argument. Supported flags are:

.RS 8
\fIFRCTFRESCNTRL\fR - resource control enabled.

\fIFRCTFRTX\fR      - retransmission enabled.



On success, \fBfccntl\fR() returns 0.


\fBfccntl\fR() can return

An invalid argument was passed.

Operation not permitted. This is returned when requesting the value of
a timeout (FLOWGSNDTIMEO or FLOWGRCVTIMEO) when no such timeout was

Invalid flow descriptor passed.

Flow is not allocated.

The specified command is not supported.


For an explanation of the terms used in this section, see \fBattributes\fR(7).

box, tab(&);
Interface & Attribute & Value
\fBfccntl\fR() & Thread safety & MT-Safe

Please see \fBouroboros-glossary\fR(7).


.BR flow_alloc "(3), " flow_read "(3), " fqueue "(3), " fset "(3), " \
ouroboros (8)

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