#!/usr/bin/env bash ME=compile_debug if (($# == 1 )) then PREFIX=${1/%\//} else PREFIX="/usr/local/ouroboros" fi BUILDDIR=build DEBUGDIR=debug echo "$ME: Prefix is $PREFIX" echo "$ME: Build directory will be '$BUILDDIR'" if test -n "$BUILDDIR" ; then mkdir -p $BUILDDIR || { echo "$ME: Cannot create directory '$BUILDDIR'" } fi cd $BUILDDIR || exit 1 echo "$ME: Debug directory will be '$DEBUGDIR'" if test -n "$DEBUGDIR" ; then mkdir -p $DEBUGDIR || { echo "$ME: Cannot create directory '$DEBUGDIR'" } fi cd $DEBUGDIR || exit 1 cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$PREFIX -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ../.. make && make check